West Virginia Code
Article 1. Bond Issues for Original Indebtedness
§13-1-27. Bond Issue and Tax to Pay Bonds to Be Incontestable Upon Failure to File Petition for Review or Dismissal Thereof

If no person in interest or taxpayer shall within ten days from and after the date of the last publication of the notice of the Attorney General of his action in approving or disapproving the validity of any bond issue, as provided in this article, present his or its petition to the Supreme Court of Appeals or to a judge thereof in vacation praying that the action of the Attorney General be reversed or modified, as hereinbefore provided, or if such petition be filed and the court or judge be of the opinion not to hear and determine the matters in such petition set out, the action of the Attorney General shall be final and no other appeal shall be allowed therefrom; and the bond issue approved by him shall become incontestable and shall be a valid and binding obligation upon the authority issuing the same and upon the taxable property within the political division which authorized the bond issue by the vote of the people therein; and no one shall thereafter have the right to contest in any court or in any action or proceeding the legality of any election held under this article, the bond issue provided for, or the tax required to pay the same, for any cause whatsoever.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 13. Public Bonded Indebtedness

Article 1. Bond Issues for Original Indebtedness

§13-1-1. Political Divisions Authorized to Issue and Sell Bonds

§13-1-1a. Exemption From Interest Rate Ceilings

§13-1-2. Purposes for Which Bonds May Be Issued

§13-1-3. Amount and Purpose of Indebtedness for Which Bonds May Be Issued

§13-1-4. Bond Issue Proposal to Be Submitted to Voters; Election Order

§13-1-5. Engineer's Estimate

§13-1-6. Bonds May Be Specified for More Than One Purpose; Single or General Purpose Defined

§13-1-6a. When Proceeds of Bond Issue Specified for One Project May Be Used for Another Project

§13-1-7. When Election to Be Held

§13-1-8. Publication of Notice of Election

§13-1-9. Registration of Voters

§13-1-10. Election Precincts

§13-1-11. General Election Laws to Apply; Recorders and Secretaries to Act in Lieu of Circuit Clerks

§13-1-12. Form of Ballot

§13-1-13. Time and Manner of Canvassing Returns

§13-1-14. Resolution Authorizing Issuance and Fixing Terms of Bonds

§13-1-15. Bonds to Be Payable in Annual or Semiannual Installments

§13-1-15a. Bonds May Be Subject to Redemption

§13-1-16. Recital of Certification That Bonds Are Issued in Conformity With Constitution and Statutes; Effect Thereof With Attorney General's Endorsement

§13-1-17. Bonds Shall Be Registered

§13-1-19. Signing, Sealing and Delivery of Bonds

§13-1-20. Imposition and Collection of Tax to Pay Bonds and Interest

§13-1-21. Advertisement and Sale of Bonds

§13-1-22. Purposes for Which Proceeds to Be Used; Purchaser Need Not See to Application Thereof

§13-1-23. No Law, Order, Ordinance, Resolution, Proceeding or Publication Necessary Except as Prescribed by This Article

§13-1-24. Legal Status of Bonds

§13-1-25. Copy of Proceedings to Be Transmitted to Attorney General for Approval or Disapproval; Publication of Approval or Disapproval

§13-1-26. Review in Supreme Court of Appeals of Action of Attorney General

§13-1-27. Bond Issue and Tax to Pay Bonds to Be Incontestable Upon Failure to File Petition for Review or Dismissal Thereof

§13-1-28. Indorsement on Bonds by Attorney General

§13-1-29. Costs of Proceedings and Expenses of Attorney General to Be Paid Out of Proceeds of Bonds or General Fund

§13-1-30. Files and Records to Be Kept by Attorney General

§13-1-31. Proceedings to Issue Bonds Under Authority of Prior Statutes; Debts Heretofore Incurred

§13-1-32. Amount of Indebtedness Authorized by §13-1-3 May Be Increased by Special Act as to Municipalities and Independent School Districts; Bonds for Assessments Against Abutting Property Excepted From This Article

§13-1-33. Bonds Exempt From Taxation

§13-1-34. Bonded Indebtedness of School Districts; Annual Tax to Be Levied and Collected to Pay Same; Definition of Value

§13-1-35. Bonded Indebtedness of Counties, Magisterial Districts and Municipal Corporations; Levy and Collection of Taxes to Pay Same