West Virginia Code
Article 13BB. West Virginia Innovative Mine Safety Technology Tax Credit Act
§11-13BB-6. Qualified Investment

(a) General. -– The qualified investment is one hundred percent of the cost for eligible safety property pursuant to a qualified purchase, which is placed in service or use in this state by the eligible taxpayer during the tax year.
(b) Placed in service or use.-- For purposes of the credit allowed by this article, property is considered placed in service or use in the earlier of the following taxable years:
(1) The taxable year in which, under the taxpayer's depreciation practice, the period for federal income tax depreciation with respect to the property begins; or
(2) The taxable year in which the property is placed in a condition or state of readiness and availability for a specifically assigned function.
(c) Cost. -– For purposes of this article, the cost for eligible safety property pursuant to a qualified purchase is determined under the following rules:
(1) Trade-ins. –- Cost for eligible safety property will not include the value of property given in trade or exchange for eligible safety property pursuant to a qualified purchase;
(2) Damaged, destroyed or stolen property. -– If eligible safety property is damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, storm or other casualty, or is stolen, then the cost for replacement of the eligible safety property, will not include any insurance proceeds received in compensation for the loss;
(3) Rental property. -– The cost for eligible safety property acquired by lease for a term of at least five years or longer is one hundred percent of the rent reserved for the primary term of the lease, not to exceed ten years; and
(4) Property purchased for multiple use. -– Any cost of acquisition of property that is not principally and directly used to minimize workplace injuries and fatalities in a coal mine does not qualify as qualified investment for purposes of this article.