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§ 8001. Renewable energy goals - § 8001. Renewable energy goals (a) The General Assembly finds...
§ 8002. Definitions - § 8002. Definitions As used in this chapter: (1) “Commission”...
§ 8003. Renewable energy pricing - § 8003. Renewable energy pricing (a) An electric utility, municipal...
§ 8004. Sales of electric energy; Renewable Energy Standard (RES) - § 8004. Sales of electric energy; Renewable Energy Standard (RES)...
§ 8005. RES categories - § 8005. RES categories (a) Categories. This section specifies three...
§ 8005a. Standard Offer Program - § 8005a. Standard Offer Program (a) Establishment. A Standard Offer...
§ 8005b. Renewable energy programs; reports - § 8005b. Renewable energy programs; reports (a) The Department shall...
§ 8006. Tradeable credits; environmental attributes; recognition, monitoring, and disclosure - § 8006. Tradeable credits; environmental attributes; recognition, monitoring, and disclosure...
§ 8006a. Greenhouse gas reduction credits - § 8006a. Greenhouse gas reduction credits (a) Standard offer adjustment....
§ 8007. Small renewable energy plants; simplified procedures - § 8007. Small renewable energy plants; simplified procedures (a) The...
§ 8008. Agreements; attribute revenues; disposition by Commission - § 8008. Agreements; attribute revenues; disposition by Commission (a) As...
§ 8009. Baseload renewable power portfolio requirement - § 8009. Baseload renewable power portfolio requirement (a) As used...
§ 8010. Self-generation and net metering - § 8010. Self-generation and net metering (a) A customer may...
§ 8011. Energy storage facilities - § 8011. Energy storage facilities (a) The Commission may adopt...
§ 8015. Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund - § 8015. Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund (a) Creation of...
§ 8016. ARRA energy monies - § 8016. ARRA energy monies The expenditure of each of...