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§ 7501. Purpose; definitions - § 7501. Purpose; definitions (a) It is the purpose of...
§ 7502. Rulemaking - § 7502. Rulemaking (a) Consistent with the purposes of this...
§ 7503. Fiscal agent - § 7503. Fiscal agent (a) A fiscal agent shall be...
§ 7504. Severability - § 7504. Severability In the event that a court determines...
§ 7511. Distribution generally - § 7511. Distribution generally (a)(1) As directed by the Commissioner...
§ 7512. Telecommunications relay service - § 7512. Telecommunications relay service The fiscal agent shall make...
§ 7513. Lifeline - § 7513. Lifeline The fiscal agent shall make distributions for...
§ 7514. Enhanced 911 - § 7514. Enhanced 911 The fiscal agent shall make distributions...
§ 7515. High-cost program - § 7515. High-cost program (a) The Universal Service Charge shall...
§ 7515b. Connectivity Initiative - § 7515b. Connectivity Initiative (a) The Connectivity Initiative shall be...
§ 7516. Connectivity Fund - § 7516. Connectivity Fund (a) There is created a Connectivity...
§ 7521. Charge imposed; wholesale exemption - § 7521. Charge imposed; wholesale exemption (a) A Universal Service...
§ 7522. Rebate for payment elsewhere - § 7522. Rebate for payment elsewhere When a telecommunications service...
§ 7523. Rate of charge - § 7523. Rate of charge (a) Beginning on July 1,...
§ 7524. Payment to fiscal agent - § 7524. Payment to fiscal agent (a) Telecommunications service providers...
§ 7525. Delinquent payments - § 7525. Delinquent payments (a) If a report required by...