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§ 1601. Interest of witness; effect on qualifications and credibility - § 1601. Interest of witness; effect on qualifications and credibility...
§ 1602. When one party is dead or lacks capacity to testify due to a mental condition or psychiatric disability - § 1602. When one party is dead or lacks capacity...
§ 1603. When executor or administrator is a party - § 1603. When executor or administrator is a party When...
§ 1604. Value of property; owner as competent witness - § 1604. Value of property; owner as competent witness The...
§ 1605. Husband and wife - § 1605. Husband and wife Husband and wife shall be...
§ 1606. Religious belief - § 1606. Religious belief A person shall not be incompetent...
§ 1607. Priests and ministers - § 1607. Priests and ministers A priest or minister of...
§ 1608. Conviction of crime - § 1608. Conviction of crime A person shall not be...
§ 1609. Admissibility of written statements - § 1609. Admissibility of written statements In civil cases, a...
§ 1611. Written statements; consent of physician or parent - § 1611. Written statements; consent of physician or parent In...
§ 1612. Patient’s privilege - § 1612. Patient’s privilege (a) Confidential information privileged. Unless the...
§ 1613. Lawyer-corporate client privilege - § 1613. Lawyer-corporate client privilege Communications otherwise privileged under Rule...
§ 1614. Victim and crisis worker privilege - § 1614. Victim and crisis worker privilege (a)(1) “Crisis worker”...
§ 1615. Journalist’s privilege - § 1615. Journalist’s privilege (a) Definitions. As used in this...
§ 1623. Penalty for disobeying subpoena - § 1623. Penalty for disobeying subpoena When a person upon...
§ 1624. Mittimus to compel attendance - § 1624. Mittimus to compel attendance When it appears to...
§ 1642. Impeachment of own witness - § 1642. Impeachment of own witness When, in the opinion...
§ 1643. Expert witness - § 1643. Expert witness An expert witness may be asked...
§ 1644. Witnesses may be examined separately - § 1644. Witnesses may be examined separately On the trial...
§ 1646. Evidence of sexual conduct - § 1646. Evidence of sexual conduct (a) In a civil...
§ 1661. Attesting witnesses to wills and other instruments - § 1661. Attesting witnesses to wills and other instruments The...
§ 1662. Self incrimination—generally - § 1662. Self incrimination—generally The provisions of sections 1601-1609 and...
§ 1663. Suits or prosecutions for fraudulent conveyances - § 1663. Suits or prosecutions for fraudulent conveyances When a...
§ 1664. Immunity of witnesses - § 1664. Immunity of witnesses (a) Whenever a witness refuses,...