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§ 1036. Comparative negligence - § 1036. Comparative negligence Contributory negligence shall not bar recovery...
§ 1037. Acceptance of inherent risks - § 1037. Acceptance of inherent risks Notwithstanding the provisions of...
§ 1038. Skiing off designated ski trails; collision; duty to report; recovery for rescue expenses - § 1038. Skiing off designated ski trails; collision; duty to...
§ 1039. Equine activities; acceptance of inherent risks - § 1039. Equine activities; acceptance of inherent risks (a) As...
§ 1040. Eminent domain; restrictions on use; conferring of private benefit; economic development - § 1040. Eminent domain; restrictions on use; conferring of private...
§ 1041. Exercise of rights to free speech and to petition government for redress of grievances; special motion to strike - § 1041. Exercise of rights to free speech and to...
§ 1042. Certificate of merit - § 1042. Certificate of merit (a) No civil action shall...
§ 1076. Release of claim for personal injury or death—disavowal of agreement - § 1076. Release of claim for personal injury or death—disavowal...
§ 1077. Tender of compensation - § 1077. Tender of compensation When an agreement is disavowed,...