§ 808. Electric light plant
The Village shall also have authority to construct and maintain an electric or other light plant, for the purpose of lighting the streets, walks, and public grounds of said Village, and the lighting any buildings therein, and for this purpose may take or purchase, acquire, and hold any water power, land, and rights of way in said Town, needed for the construction, maintenance, and operation of said light plant, as provided in this act, and may use any public highway over which it may be necessary or desirable to pass with the poles and wire or other conduits of the same, provided the use of such highway for the purpose of public travel is not thereby necessarily impaired.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters
Chapter 251 - Village of North Bennington
App § 101. Corporate existence
App § 201. Authorization for the assessment and collection of property taxes
App § 202. Warning of annual and special meetings
App § 203. Elections at annual meetings
App § 302. Compensation of officers
App § 303. Board of Trustees; general authority
App § 401. Election of Chair and appointments
App § 501. Fire Chief and firefighters
App § 502. Firefighting apparatus
App § 601. Highway Superintendent
App § 603. Board of Trustees; authority with respect to roads, streets, and sidewalks
App § 701. Police Department; appointment; duties
App § 801. Construction and maintenance of reservoir
App § 802. Use of land for reservoir
App § 803. Use of water; payment; inspection; damages
App § 804. Unauthorized diversion and malicious damage
App § 806. Connections to sewer system
App § 807. Entry onto land for construction
App § 808. Electric light plant
App § 809. Furnishing of water
App § 810. Rights-of-way of public service corporation
App § 812. Prohibition on taxation, assessment, or encumbrance of water works
App § 813. Board of Water Commissioners
App § 814. Gross income of water works
App § 815. Payment of water works’ funds
App § 816. Board of Water Commissioners’ rules
App § 817. Prohibition on abatement of water rates
App § 818. Annual net income of water works
App § 901. Bonding for water and sewer systems and light plant
App § 902. Maximum bonded indebtedness
App § 1001. Compensation for taking
App § 1002. Petition for appeal of compensation award
App § 1201. Amendment and repeal
App § 1202. Recordation and certification