§ 8. Officers appointed by City Council
The City Council shall appoint, and may remove at its pleasure and appoint others in their stead, the following officers, none of whom shall be members of the City Council, viz: a Collector of Taxes, a Superintendent of Streets and Waterworks, a City Attorney, a Board of Fire Wardens, consisting of one Chief and a first and second Assistant Engineer, and such other officers not herein otherwise provided for as are required by law. The City Council may fill vacancies in elective City offices, including the Board of School Trustees, until the next annual meeting, unless a special City meeting for the purpose of filling such vacancy is sooner warned and held. The City Council may fill vacancies in appointive offices until the next annual meeting or during the pleasure of said Council.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters
App § 1. Establishment of City
App § 3. City boundaries and corporate powers
App § 5. Warning and convening of annual meeting
App § 6. Elections of officers at annual meeting
App § 7. Mayor and Board of Aldermen as City Council
App § 8. Officers appointed by City Council
App § 9. Powers of Mayor; City Council to establish water rates
App § 10. Mayoral approval and Board of Aldermen reconsideration of vetoed actions
App § 12. Board of Civil Authority and Board of Abatement
App § 16. Department of Assessment
App § 19. Overseer of the Poor
App § 20. Superintendent of Streets
App § 22. Board of Fire Wardens
App § 25. Streets and sidewalks
App § 27. Sale or lease of City owned property
App § 29. Assessment of taxes on grand list
App § 30. Revenues credit and appropriations
App § 32. Bonds of City officers