Vermont Statutes
Chapter 123B - Town of Jamaica
App § 7 Elected officers

§ 7 Elected officers
The following officers of the Town and such other Town officers as are provided by law and previous vote of the electorate as to number, length of term, and manner of election at an annual meeting shall be elected from the floor, as required by law, unless otherwise stated, and shall include the following:
(1) a Moderator to be elected by paper ballot from the floor, for a term of one year;
(2) Selectboard members, three of whom shall serve staggered three-year terms and two of whom shall serve one-year terms;
(3) listers, for terms of three years, staggered to ensure that no more than one term ends in any particular year;
(4) other Town officers as the Town shall order as provided by law. (Added 2011, No. M-2, § 2, eff. Feb. 16, 2011.)