Vermont Statutes
Chapter 7 - Bradford Academy and Graded School District
App 7-6. Library and Library Committee

7-6. Library and Library Committee
Within ten days after the first annual meeting of the Bradford Academy and Graded School District the Trustees shall appoint a Library Committee of three persons, one for the term of one year, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of three years, to hold their offices until their successors are appointed. And within ten days after each annual meeting after the first, the Trustees shall appoint one committee to fill the place of the committee whose term has expired, and such committee shall hold his or her place for the term of three years. And the Trustees may fill all vacancies occasioned by death, removal, or resignation. The Committee shall take charge of the Merrill Library and apparatus and such other books and apparatus as shall come into the possession of the District, and shall select and purchase books and apparatus for the library, and shall make such rules and regulations for the care and use of the same as may seem to them best. And it is hereby made the duty of the Trustees to pay for such books and apparatus so selected by the Library Committee to an amount not exceeding the annual income of the Merrill Library fund of $2,500.00. They shall also provide a room or rooms for the library and apparatus whenever the District shall build a new schoolhouse.