Vermont Statutes
Chapter 149 - Town of Springfield
App § 45. Board review and final action

§ 45. Board review and final action
Board review.
(1) The Selectboard shall schedule one or more meetings, as it deems appropriate, for the review and discussion of the proposed budget and comments from the Budget Advisory Committee.
(2) Upon completion of its review, the Selectboard shall act to finalize its budget proposal.
(3) The Selectboard shall then schedule a public hearing prior to Town meeting, warned as such.
(4) Following the public hearing, the Selectboard shall act to officially finalize the budget to be finalized or proposed at Town meeting.
(5) The Selectboard, in finalizing the budget, shall place it on the warning as a gross appropriation. (Amended 2021, No. M-13 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. May 16, 2022.)