§ 402. Budget preparation
On or before November 15th of each year, the Board of Supervisors shall prepare a budget for the District for the ensuing fiscal year, which budget shall include an estimate of all revenues anticipated to be received by the District from disposal fees and other sources, and an estimate of all expenses anticipated to be incurred by the District for planning, solid waste management debt service, and other expenses. The budget shall also show actual and estimated income and expenditures incurred or to be incurred by the District for the current fiscal year, and the actual income and expenditures incurred by the District for the preceding fiscal year, and any proposal or recommendation for incurring short-term indebtedness to be repaid in five years or less.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters
Chapter 411 - Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District
App § 107. Responsibility to accept waste
App § 202. Selection of supervisors and their alternates
App § 205. Organizational meeting
App § 212. Rules and procedures
App § 213. Composition of members of Board of Supervisors
App § 214. Access to meetings and records
App § 306. Bonding of officers
App § 307. Compensation of officers
App § 309. Delegation to District staff
App § 403. Budget hearing and adoption
App § 404. Revenues and appropriations
App § 406. Short-term indebtedness
App § 407. Long-term indebtedness; long-term contracts
App § 409. Capital reserve fund
App § 505. Contents of warnings
App § 506. Signing of warnings
App § 509. Qualification and registration of voters
App § 510. Conduct of meetings
App § 511. Reconsideration or rescission of vote
App § 512. Validation of District meetings
App § 601. Withdrawal by a member municipality
App § 602. Admission of new member municipalities
App § 603. Dissolution of District