Vermont Statutes
Chapter 29 - Public Property and Supplies
App 29-44 (No. 03-10) [Inter-Agency Tenant Committee for State-Owned Space]

Executive Order No. 29-44 (No. 03-10) [Inter-Agency Tenant Committee for State-Owned Space]
WHEREAS, the State of Vermont currently owns and operates nearly four million square feet of space; and
WHEREAS, Section 269 of No. 152 Acts of 2000 authorized the creation of a Facilities Operations Revolving fund to appropriately reflect total space costs within State agency budgets, allocating the expenses by means of a rental charge to tenant State agencies (a “fee-for-space”); and
WHEREAS, the fee-for-space rates include maintenance and custodial services provided by the Department of Buildings and General Services to tenant agencies; and
WHEREAS, tenant State agencies seek a voice in the operation of their respective buildings, including staffing and scheduled repairs and maintenance, as well as a vehicle to find and implement efficiencies in such operations; and
WHEREAS, an on-going and collaborative effort with Department of Buildings and General Services and tenant agencies can result in space cost savings for tenant agencies;
NOW THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby establish an Inter-Agency Tenant Committee for State-Owned Space (hereinafter the Tenant Committee).
The Tenant Committee, appointed by respective agency and department heads, shall consist of representatives from tenant State agencies and departments to include the Agency of Administration, the Agency of Human Services; the Agency of Natural Resources; the Agency of Transportation; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Education; the Department of Public Safety; and the Judiciary. The Governor shall appoint the Chair.
Administrative support to the Tenant Committee shall be provided by the Department of Buildings and General Services.
The Tenant Committee shall be advisory to the Governor, and shall meet at least quarterly or at the call of the Chair. The Committee shall have the following functions and duties:
1. To engage tenant State agencies directly in the operational and financial management of their respective buildings and oversight of the Facilities Operations Revolving Fund.
2. To advise the Department of Buildings and General Services on the operation of state-owned buildings, including staffing and scheduled repairs and maintenance, in order to improve operations, save money and more fully meet the needs of tenant State agencies.
3. To review annually, and make recommendations to the Commissioner on appropriate levels-of-service provided and fee-for-space rates charged to tenant State agencies.
This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution and shall expire on June 30, 2014.
Dated June 22, 2010.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders

Chapter 29 - Public Property and Supplies

App 29-1 (No. 38-79) [Transfer of Equipment and Property From Department of Public Safety to Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council]

App 29-2 (No. 57-80) [Transfer of Property in Milton From Transportation Board to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Game]

App 29-3 (No. 58-81) [Transfer of Property in Highgate From Agency of Environmental Conservation to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-4 (No. 63-81) [Transfer of a Portion of Chimney Point State Park Land and Premises From Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Division for Historic Preservation]

App 29-5 (No. 63A-82) [Transfer of Land in South Hero From Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to Department of Fish and Game]

App 29-6 (No. 64-82) [Transfer of Land in Barton From Agency of Environmental Conservation to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-7 (No. 68-82) [Transfer of Land From Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings, to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-8 (No. 70-83) [Transfer of Land From Agency of Development and Community Affairs, Historic Preservation Division, to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-9 (No. 72-83) [Transfer of Land and Premises in Town of Alburgh From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Forests and Parks]

App 29-10 (No. 73-83) [Transfer of Land in Town of Marshfield From Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game Department, to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-11 (No. 84-84) [Transfer of Land and Premises in Town of Bethel From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-12 (No. 23-86) [Transfer of Land and Premises in City of Rutland From Agency of Administration to Military Department]

App 29-13 (No. 26-86) [Transfer of Land in Town of Wolcott From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-14 (No. 28-86) [Accessibility to Handicapped Persons of Buildings Used for Public Meetings Relating to State Government Business]

App 29-15 (No. 41-87) [Transfer of Lands in City of Burlington From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Department]

App 29-16 (No. 54-87) [Transfer of Certain Premises in Town of Alburg From Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-17 (No. 64-88) [Transfer of Lands in Towns of Concord, Chester and Hardwick From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-18 (No. 65-88) [Transfer of Certain Lands in Town of Groton From Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and Grant of Temporary Easement to Transportation Agency]

App 29-19 (No. 66-88) [Transfer of Certain Permanent Easement Located in City of Montpelier From Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-20 (No. 72A-89) [Transfer Certain Permanent Easements in Town of Berlin from Board of Armory Commissioners to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-21 (No. 81-89) [Transfer of Lands in Town of Wilmington From Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-22 (No. 07-91) [Transfer of Certain Land in Town of Alburg from Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-23 (No. 04-92) [Transfer of Certain Land in Town of Stockbridge From Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-24 (No. 07-93) [Transfer of Property in Grand Isle From Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-25 (No. 12-93) [Transfer of Certain Lands and Rights in Charleston from Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-26 (No. 01-95) [Transfer of Land and Easements From Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, to Agency of Transportation]

App 29-27 (No. 07-99) [Transfer of Property in Essex to Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings and General Services from Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

App 29-28 (No. 01-01) [Transfer of Property in Rutland from Military Department to Agency of Administration, Department of State Buildings and General Services]

App 29-29 (No. 09-01) [Transfer of parcel of land from the Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to the jurisdiction and control of the Agency of Transportation]

App 29-30 (No. 06-02) [Transfer of Certain Lands and Rights of the Agency of Transportation, located in the Town of Guilford, to the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forest, Parks, and Recreation]

App 29-31 (No. 04-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Transportation to Agency of Natural Resources in Clarendon]

App 29-32 (No. 05-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation in Waitsfield]

App 29-33 (No. 06-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation in Brandon]

App 29-34 (No. 07-03) [Transfer of Land from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation in Ludlow]

App 29-35 (No. 09-03) [Transfer of part of Middlebury garage property, located along the Otter Creek, from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

App 29-36 (No. 07-06) [Transfer of Certain Easements and Rights in Middlesex from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

App 29-37 (No. 02-07) [Transfer of Certain Land and Rights in Orange from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

App 29-38 (No. 07-07) [Transfer of Land in Lowell from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

App 29-39 (No. 02-08) [Transfer of Land in Bennington from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

App 29-40 (No. 03-08) [Transfer of Land in Topsham from Agency of Transportation to Department of Public Safety]

App 29-41 (No. 06-08) [Transfer of Right of Way in Okemo State Forest, Ludlow, from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Department of Fish and Wildlife]

App 29-42 (No. 04-09) [Transfer of Certain Land and Easements and Rights in the Town of Cornwall from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

App 29-43 (No. 05-09) [Transfer of Land in Duxbury, Vermont from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services]

App 29-44 (No. 03-10) [Inter-Agency Tenant Committee for State-Owned Space]

App 29-45 (No. 05-10) [Transfer of Certain Easements and Rights in the Town of Cambridge from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

App 29-46 (No. 11-10) [Transfer of Properties between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

App 29-47 (No. 12-10) [Transfer of Properties between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

App 29-48 (No. 13-10) [Transfer of Properties between the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

App 29-49 (No. 09-12) [Transfer of Lands and Permanent Buffer Easement in Berkshire and Enosburgh from the Agency of Transportation to the Agency of Natural Resources]

App 29-50 (No. 14-12) [Transfer of Property in St. Johnsbury from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings & General Services to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Fish & Wildlife]

App 29-51 (No. 08-13) [Transfer of Certain Land and Permanent Easements in the Town of Swanton from the Agency of Natural Resources to the Agency of Transportation]

App 29-52 (No. 04-15) [Transfer of Property in Duxbury from Agency of Administration, Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

App 29-53 (No. 08-15) [Transfer of Property in Windsor from BGS to DFW]

App 29-54 (No. 01-16) [Transfer of Certain Easements in the Town of Middlesex from BGS to VTrans]

App 29-55 (No. 06-18) [Transfer of Property in the Town of Cambridge from Vermont Agency of Transportation to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources]

App 29-56 (No. 10-19) [Transfer of Property in Plymouth from BGS to Division for Historic Preservation]

App 29-57 (No. 07-21) [Transfer of Property in Plymouth from Division for Historic Preservation to Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation]

App 29-58 (No. 01-22) [Transfer of Property in Williston from the Department of Buildings and General Services to Agency of Transportation]