Vermont Statutes
Chapter 279 - Village of Swanton
App § 2. Applicability of the general law

§ 2. Applicability of the general law
(a) All provisions of the Constitution and the general laws of the State of Vermont relating to villages and their officers shall apply to the Village of Swanton except as modified in this chapter.
(b) The Village of Swanton and its officers shall have the powers and authority conferred upon villages by the Constitution and general laws of the State of Vermont, together with the governmental and proprietary functions devolving generally upon municipalities and municipal officers, and shall also have all implied powers necessary to implement and exercise those powers, authority, and functions.
(c) The powers, authority, and functions conferred upon the Village of Swanton by this chapter shall be in addition to the powers, authority, and functions conferred upon the Village by general and special laws now in force or hereafter enacted. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as a limitation upon those powers, authority, and functions.
(d) All annual and special meetings of the Village shall be held upon notice in the form of a warning being posted in at least three public places within the Village and published in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village, the posting and publication shall occur at least ten days in advance of the meeting; provided, however, that any Village meeting at which the incurring of indebtedness is to be considered shall be called, noticed, warned, and conducted in the manner provided by general law. The eligibility of voters at all Village meetings, and the conduct of meetings, and the conduct shall be controlled by general law. Until the voters choose otherwise, the Australian ballot system of voting shall be used for the election of officers and for consideration of all budget matters and all public questions.
(e) The boundaries of the Village of Swanton may be altered at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and with the concurrence of the General Assembly.