17-5. Bylaws, rules, and regulations; District
The Orleans School District may make such bylaws, rules, and regulations as it may deem expedient, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, and may provide for the establishment and maintenance of such number of schools, of such length, and of such grade or grades, and for teaching such branches of study therein as it may deem expedient; and may at its option afford and provide for the studies taught in higher academic schools and which are requisite to prepare scholars for admission to colleges. The graded school shall not be required to afford instruction gratuitously in drawing, music, or the languages other than English or the higher mathematics, but may do so at its option; all residents of the District between the ages of five and 20 years may attend the graded school free of tuition for all branches of study, except those above mentioned, tuition to be charged upon the branches excepted at the option of the District.
Structure Vermont Statutes