11-4.2. Special meetings
Special meetings of the District shall be warned by the School District Clerk, or by the Prudential Committee, either upon its own volition or upon application in writing signed by one percent or more of the legal voters of the District.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 16 Appendix - Education Charters and Agreements
Chapter 11 - Essex Junction School District
App 11-1.2. Incorporation of district
App 11-1.3. Disposition of property
App 11-1.4. Definition of district
App 11-1.5. Exemption from taxation
App 11-1.7. Inconsistency with general law
App 11-1.8. Effect of prior law
App 11-1.9. Implementation of charter
App 11-2.2. Election and terms of officers
App 11-2.4. Bonding of officers
App 11-2.5. Board of Civil Authority
App 11-2.8. Collector of Taxes
App 11-3.1. Duties and powers of Prudential Committee