Vermont Statutes
Chapter 106 - Town of Bradford
App § 107. Water and Sewer Department

§ 107. Water and Sewer Department
(a) The services of the Water and Sewer Department of the Town of Bradford shall be fee based, with all costs paid by the users. All water and sewer rates of the Village of Bradford in effect at the time of the merger shall continue in effect until changed as provided in sections 206 and 207 of this charter. Annual water and sewer charges shall be at a rate sufficient to cover annual expenditures, temporary indebtedness, and the amortizing of bonded indebtedness and interest.
(b) A Water and Sewer Commission shall be elected as outlined in section 206a of this charter. A Commission report and budget shall be submitted for approval at the annual Town meeting.
(c) During the transition period, the Commission will consist of the present Water Board and the trustees who are currently responsible for sewer management. As the trustees finish their terms, they will not be replaced.