Vermont Statutes
Chapter 10 - Conservation and Development
App 10-47 (No. 08-19) [Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance Program]

Executive Order No. 10-47 (No. 08-19) [Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance Program]
WHEREAS, Vermont’s workforce has declined significantly since the great recession with fewer Vermonters working or looking for work while employers struggle to fill good jobs; and
WHEREAS, a majority of Vermont’s counties have not returned to pre-recession employment levels; and
WHEREAS, we must do more to ensure that all of Vermont’s villages, towns, cities and counties have the tools to strengthen their communities and expand economic opportunity; and
WHEREAS, economic and community development is a high priority for Vermont’s municipalities, employers and Vermonters; and
WHEREAS, Vermont has a number of abandoned, idled and underused industrial and commercial sites and facilities where redevelopment is difficult because of contamination (referred to as brownfields); and
WHEREAS, developers report complicated issues involved in brownfield redevelopment projects in areas where development priorities exist (i.e. designated downtowns) — including State and federal regulations and permitting requirements overseen by multiple agencies, in addition to liability, lender requirements and other legal concerns — make them more expensive and complex to pursue and develop; and
WHEREAS, the Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance or “BERA” has successfully utilized technical support and funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for all of its pilot projects to date; and
WHEREAS, the EPA recognizes the importance of BERA and continues to provide technical support and funding for BERA pilot projects; and
WHEREAS, the BERA serves an essential function in coordinating and prioritizing the deployment of State and federal resources to assist and guide developers of properties facing environmental and permitting challenges in evaluating, planning, and mitigating hazards; and
WHEREAS, for Vermont to expand its economy and attract employers, the Governor has identified the need for a coordinated, predictable and transparent process for brownfield redevelopment projects while also protecting public health, safety and the environment; and
WHEREAS, in order to ensure effective and efficient planning related to hazard and environmental mitigation and permitting related to brownfields redevelopment there is a need for a “one-stop-shop” to assist landowners and developers with accessing State and federal resources, navigating regulations and permitting requirements and planning and coordinating the redevelopment of these properties on behalf of the people of Vermont.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor do hereby formally constitute the Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance (“BERA”) Program, to coordinate, utilize and deploy all available federal, State, private sector and volunteer and non-governmental agency resources, including funding, in the remediation, permitting and redevelopment coordination of BERA Program designated properties as follows:
I. BERA Program Governance.
The BERA Program Executive Committee shall receive, review and act on recommendations from the BERA Working Group to designate new BERA Program projects and review progress on existing BERA Program projects as needed, but not less frequently than semi-annually.
The BERA Program Executive Committee shall consist of three tiers of members, as follows:
1. Secretary of the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD), the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and the Agency of Transportation (AOT).
2. Not more than 12 non-governmental members appointed by the Governor, to include leaders in community planning, environmental remediation, economic development and finance, housing and commercial real estate.
3. State program members to be identified by the BERA Program Executive Committee, to include program staff from ACCD, AOT, the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of Health and the Governor’s Office.
The BERA Program Executive Committee shall be chaired by the designated representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfields Program.
The BERA Program Executive Committee may, in its discretion, consult with federal government representatives, private sector professionals and volunteer and non-governmental organizations for information and advice on best practices.
The BERA Program Executive Committee shall provide an annual report to the Governor on the status of the Coordinated Project Plans.
II. BERA Working Groups Charge and Process.
The BERA Program Executive Committee shall, with respect to each designated redevelopment project, establish BERA Working Groups to support the BERA Program’s mission, drawing membership from any agency or department of State government to participate in and coordinate planning, permitting and remediation activities as part of each brownfield redevelopment project. Any conflicts resulting from these cross-agency designations shall be resolved by the Governor’s Director of Affordability and Economic Growth Initiatives.
A BERA Working Group shall meet at the call of the BERA Program Executive Committee Chair as needed but not less frequently than quarterly, and consist of program staff from ANR, ACCD and AOT. The focus of BERA Working Groups shall be to identify BERA Project Team members and coordinate site characterization and project permitting and prioritize State and federal funding for remediation and redevelopment activities.
The BERA Working Groups shall update the BERA Program Executive Committee on each Coordinated Project Plan not less than semi-annually to ensure each identified State governmental participant fulfills and executes its respective responsibilities outlined in the Plan.
III. BERA Project Teams.
A BERA Working Group shall designate a “Project Team” for each BERA Project to consist of stakeholders for that project such as State, federal, regional and local entities that can facilitate the successful completion of the designated redevelopment project.
• Single Point of Contact: The BERA Executive Committee Chair shall appoint a State BERA Project Team Lead from each BERA Working Group dedicated to be the point of contact for a BERA Project Team. The BERA Project Team Lead shall address concerns related to the designated redevelopment project as well as challenges associated with the implementation of the Coordinated Project Plan, including coordination with the federal and State agencies responsible for resources, regulation and permitting and work with other relevant cooperating federal, State and local agencies, private sector professionals and interested third parties as needed.
• Coordinated Project Plan: Each BERA Project Team Lead shall develop a Coordinated Project Plan (Plan) at the start of each redevelopment project. The Plan shall: 1) list the roles and responsibilities for all entities to provide resources, perform environmental reviews or grant authorizations; 2) discuss a remediation strategy; 3) outline plans and a schedule for outreach, coordination and BERA project completion; 4) set a schedule for coordinated BERA Project Team meetings; 5) identify funding opportunities and gaps; and 6) identify the point at which the BERA project is “complete,” signifying the end of BERA Working Group and BERA Project Team involvement. Assignments within the Plan shall be based on functional capabilities and statutory responsibilities of each member of the BERA Project Team.
To make the Plan viable and fulfill the mission of the BERA Program, all State governmental participants must execute their assignments when called upon.
IV. Effective Date.
This Executive Order shall take effect upon execution and shall expire October 1, 2025, unless extended by the Governor.
Dated October 9, 2019

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders

Chapter 10 - Conservation and Development

App 10-1 (No. 25-70) [Environmental Conservation Agency]

App 10-2 (No. 26-70) [Transfer of Functions Relating to Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Radiation Pollution, Waste Disposal and Granting of Permits to Environmental Conservation Agency]

App 10-3 (No. 29-71) [Transfer of Tourist Information and Outdoor Advertising Functions to Agency of Development and Community Affairs]

App 10-4 (No. 34-71) [Transfer of Positions and Funds to Agency of Development and Community Affairs]

App 10-5 (No. 43-71) [Transfer of Functions Relating to Industrial Hygiene and Ionizing Radiation to Department of Health]

App 10-6 (No. 10a-77) [Transfer of Duties and Functions of Division of Outdoor Advertising]

App 10-7 (No. 61-81) [Transfer of Division of Protection, Agency of Environmental Conservation, to Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering]

App 10-8 (No. 24-86) [Program for Recycling of Waste Products and Revision of State Solid Waste Management Plan]

App 10-9 (No. 53-87) [Designation of University of Vermont as Leading Institution for Providing Research and Development Services to Business Community]

App 10-10 (No. 68-88) [State Agencies Designated as Having Programs Affecting Land Use or Exempted From Compliance With All Provisions of Growth Management Act of 1988 (Act 200); Establishment of and Reports to State Agency Planning Implementation C...

App 10-11 (No. 71-89) [Transfer of Authority to Administer Solid Waste Grant Programs From Secretary of Development and Community Affairs to Secretary of Natural Resources]

App 10-12 (No. 84-90) [Designation of Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of Housing and Community Affairs as Agencies To Administer 10 V.S.A. Chapter 153]

App 10-13 (No. 92-90) [Energy Emergency Plan]

App 10-14 (No. 99-90) [Approval of Interim State Agency Land Use Plans]

App 10-15 (No. 10-91) [Advisory Council to the Agency of Development and Community Affairs]

App 10-16 (No. 13-91) [State Agencies Designated as Having Programs Affecting Land Use in Compliance with Provisions of Growth Management Act of 1988 (Act 200); Establishment of and Reports to State Agency Implementation Committee]

App 10-17 (No. 05-92) [Governor’s Council of Environmental Advisors]

App 10-18 (No. 06-94) [Vermont Clean State Program]

App 10-19 (No. 14-94) [Termination of Vermont Technology Council: Science and Technology Plan]

App 10-20 (No. 14-96) [Designation of Vermont Housing and Conservation Board as the “State Trust Fund”]

App 10-21 (No. 03-99) [Establishment of Advisory Council to the Agency of Commerce and Community Development]

App 10-22 (No. 04-99) [State Compliance with Environmental Laws]

App 10-23 (No. 02-00) [Vermont’s Committee to Ensure Clean Air]

App 10-24 (No. 03-00) [Membership Expansion of Vermonter’s Committee to Ensure Clean Air]

App 10-25 (No. 08-00) [Vermont’s Committee to Ensure Clean Air]

App 10-26 (No. 03-02) [Reduction of Mercury Use]

App 10-27 (No. 07-02) [Establishment of On-Site Septic Reform Education and Implementation Advisory Committee]

App 10-28 (No. 11-02) [Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions from State Government Buildings and Operations]

App 10-29 (No. 12-02) [West Mountain Wildlife Management Area]

App 10-30 (No. 14-03) [Climate Change Action Plan for State Government Buildings and Operations]

App 10-31 (No. 02-04) [Vermont Clean State Program]

App 10-32 (No. 03-04) [Vermont Advisory Commission on Manufactured and Mobile Homes]

App 10-33 (No. 07-05) [Governor’s Commission on Climate Change]

App 10-34 (No. 03-07) [Vermont Environmental Engineering Advisory Council]

App 10-35 (No. 06-07) [Governor’s Commission on the Future of State Parks]

App 10-36 (No. 02-10) [Enhancing Investments in Affordable Housing]

App 10-37 (No. 01-11) [Council on Energy and the Environment]

App 10-38 (No. 05-11) [Governor’s Climate Cabinet]

App 10-39 (No. 06-12) [Interagency Green Infrastructure Council]

App 10-40 (No. 15-12) [Governor’s Climate Cabinet and State Agency Climate Action Plan]

App 10-41 (No. 11-17) [Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative]

App 10-42 (No. 12-17) [Vermont Climate Action Commission]

App 10-43 (No. 13-17) [Interagency Committee on Chemical Management]

App 10-44 (No. 01-18) [Temporary Suspension of Heating Oil Content Requirements Due to Inadequate Supply]

App 10-46 (No. 02-19) [Interagency Committee on Chemical Management; Process for Review of Chemical Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements]

App 10-47 (No. 08-19) [Brownfields Economic Revitalization Alliance Program]

App 10-48 (No. 04-20) [Promoting and Providing Regulatory Certainty for Recreational Trails]

App 10-49 (No. 02-21) [Reorganization of the Natural Resources Board]