1-9. Permanent location
The permanent location of the institution hereby created, shall be in Burlington, in the State of Vermont, and the first meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be there held on November 15 next, at 7:00 P.M., or if the meeting shall not be held at that time, it shall be held at such other time and place as the Governor of this State may appoint, seasonable notice of the appointment having been first given to each of the Trustees or corporators of the University of Vermont and Vermont Agricultural College.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 16 Appendix - Education Charters and Agreements
Chapter 1 - University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
App 1-1. Establishment as corporate body
App 1-2. Board of Trustees; membership, terms of service; presiding chair
App 1-3. Conferral of degrees; election of officers; governance
App 1-4. Control of lands and rents; rights and obligations
App 1-5. Curriculum to be maintained
App 1-7. Congressional fund; interest income
App 1-8. Legislative reports; Board of Visitors
App 1-10. Middlebury College; Norwich University
App 1-13. Repeal of inconsistent law