Vermont Statutes
Chapter 39 - Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention
§ 952. Federal flood control program; natural resources conservation districts as sponsoring agencies

§ 952. Federal flood control program; natural resources conservation districts as sponsoring agencies
(a) The natural resources conservation districts may act as local sponsoring agencies under the provisions of Public Law 83-566, for carrying out programs for flood control, stream bank protection, and channel improvements, as well as land treatment and drainage, subject to review and approval by the Department of Environmental Conservation of all plans for projects that affect stream flow.
(b) A municipality, when authorized by a majority of the voters voting at a meeting warned and held for that purpose, may purchase, or acquire by gift, title to land within the State for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating improvements for flood prevention or conserving, developing, using, and disposing of water under Public Law 83-566, and may pay 100 percent or less of the nonfederal costs thereof. (Amended 1961, No. 100, § 2(b); 1963, No. 111; 1961, No. 79, § 1(b), eff. May 7, 1963; 1966, No. 27 (Sp. Sess.), § 1, eff. March 12, 1966; 1967, No. 303 (Adj. Sess.), § 15(b), eff. March 22, 1968; 1981, No. 222 (Adj. Sess.), § 14; 1987, No. 76, § 18.)