Vermont Statutes
Chapter 37 - Wetlands Protection and Water Res. Management
§ 928. Municipal Stormwater Implementation Grant Program

§ 928. Municipal Stormwater Implementation Grant Program
The Secretary shall administer a Municipal Stormwater Implementation Grant Program to provide grants to any municipality required under section 1264 of this title to obtain or seek coverage under the municipal roads general permit, the municipal separate storm sewer systems permit, a permit for impervious surface of three acres or more, or a permit required by the Secretary to reduce the adverse impacts to water quality of a discharge or stormwater runoff. The grant program shall only be available in basins where a clean water service provider has met its annual goals or is making sufficient progress, as determined by the Secretary, towards those goals. Not more than 15 percent of the total grant amount awarded shall be used for administrative costs. (Added 2019, No. 76, § 1.)