Vermont Statutes
Chapter 33 - Cannabis Establishments
§ 901. General provisions

§ 901. General provisions
(a) Except as otherwise permitted by law, a person shall not engage in the cultivation, preparation, processing, packaging, transportation, testing, or sale of cannabis or cannabis products without obtaining a license from the Board.
(b) All licenses shall be valid for one year and expire at midnight on the eve of the anniversary of the date the license was issued. A licensee may apply to renew the license annually.
(c) Applications for licenses and renewals shall be submitted on forms provided by the Board and shall be accompanied by the fees provided for in section 910 of this title.
(d)(1) There shall be six types of licenses available:
(A) a cultivator license;
(B) a wholesaler license;
(C) a product manufacturer license;
(D) a retailer license;
(E) a testing laboratory license; and
(F) an integrated license.
(2)(A) The Board shall develop tiers for:
(i) cultivator licenses based on the plant canopy size of the cultivation operation or plant count for breeding stock; and
(ii) retailer licenses.
(B) The Board may develop tiers for other types of licenses.
(3)(A) Except as provided in subdivisions (B) and (C) of this subdivision (3), an applicant and its affiliates may obtain a maximum of one type of each type of license as provided in subdivisions (1)(A)–(E) of this subsection (d). Each license shall permit only one location of the establishment.
(B) An applicant and its affiliates that control a dispensary registered on April 1, 2022 may obtain one integrated license provided in subdivision (1)(F) of this subsection (d) or a maximum of one of each type of license provided in subdivisions (1)(A)–(E) of this subsection (d). An integrated licensee may not hold a separate cultivator, wholesaler, product manufacturer, retailer, or testing laboratory license, and no applicant or its affiliates that control a dispensary shall hold more than one integrated license. An integrated license shall permit only one location for each of the types of activities permitted by the license: cultivation, wholesale operations, product manufacturing, retail sales, and testing.
(C) An applicant and its affiliates may obtain multiple testing laboratory licenses.
(e) A dispensary that obtains a retailer license or an integrated license pursuant to this chapter shall maintain the dispensary and retail operations in a manner that protects patient and caregiver privacy in accordance with rules adopted by the Board.
(f) Each licensee shall obtain and maintain commercial general liability insurance in accordance with rules adopted by the Board. Failure to provide proof of insurance to the Board, as required, may result in revocation of the license.
(g) All licenses may be renewed according to procedures adopted through rulemaking by the Board.
(h)(1) The following records shall be exempt from public inspection and copying under the Public Records Act and shall be confidential:
(A) any record in an application for a license relating to security, public safety, transportation, or trade secrets, including information provided in an operating plan pursuant to subdivision 881(a)(1)(B) of this title; and
(B) any licensee record relating to security, public safety, transportation, trade secrets, or employees.
(2) Notwithstanding 1 V.S.A. § 317(e), the Public Records Act exemption created in this subsection shall continue in effect and shall not be repealed through operation of 1 V.S.A. § 317(e). (Added 2019, No. 164 (Adj. Sess.), § 7, eff. Oct. 7, 2020; amended 2021, No. 86 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. March 25, 2022; 2021, No. 158 (Adj. Sess.), § 15, eff. May 31, 2022.)