Vermont Statutes
Chapter 3 - Incorporation of Professional Persons
§ 802. Articles of association

§ 802. Articles of association
One or more individuals, each of whom is licensed to render a professional service, may incorporate a professional corporation by filing articles of association with the Secretary of State. The articles of association shall meet the requirements of the general corporation law under chapter 17 of this title, except that the number of incorporators or directors may be the same as the number of individuals incorporating. In addition thereto, it shall contain the following:
(1) the profession to be practiced through the professional corporation;
(2) the names and residence addresses of all of the original shareholders, directors and officers of the professional corporation; and
(3) a certificate by the regulating board of the profession involved that each of the incorporators, directors, and shareholders is duly licensed to practice such profession. (1963, No. 218, § 3, eff. July 3, 1963; amended 1981, No. 64; 1983, No. 127 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)