Vermont Statutes
Chapter 151 - Continuing Care Retirement Communities
§ 8011. Resident associations; annual resident meeting

§ 8011. Resident associations; annual resident meeting
(a) Residents of a facility have the right to self-organization and the right to engage in activities for the purpose of keeping informed on the operation of the facility, or for the purpose of other mutual aid.
(b) Annually, the governing body of a facility, or its designated representative, shall hold a meeting with the residents of that facility for the purpose of discussing, at a minimum, the following subjects: income and expenditures of the facility, financial trends and issues as they apply to the facility and any proposed changes in policies, programs, or services. Upon request of the residents, a member of the board of directors, a general partner, or a principal owner shall attend such meeting. Residents shall be given at least seven days’ advance notice of the annual meeting. An agenda and any materials to be distributed by the governing body at the meeting shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the facility and copies shall be available to residents upon request. (Added 1987, No. 247 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)