Vermont Statutes
Chapter 205 - Cigarettes and Tobacco Products
§ 7781. Powers of officer conducting hearings

§ 7781. Powers of officer conducting hearings
The Commissioner and any agent of the Commissioner duly authorized to conduct any inquiry, investigation, or hearing hereunder shall have power to administer oaths and take testimony under oath relative to the matter of inquiry or investigation. At any hearing ordered by the Commissioner, the Commissioner or his or her agent authorized to conduct such hearing and having authority by law to issue such process may subpoena witnesses and require the production of books, papers, and documents pertinent to such inquiry. No witness under subpoena authorized to be issued by the provisions of this chapter shall be excused from testifying or from producing books or papers on the ground that such testimony or the production of such books or other documentary evidence would tend to incriminate him or her, but such evidence or the books or papers so produced shall not be used in any criminal proceeding against him or her. Officers who serve subpoenas issued by the Commissioner or under his or her authority and witnesses attending hearings conducted by him or her hereunder shall receive fees and compensation at the same rates as officers and witnesses in causes before a Criminal Division of the Superior Court, to be paid on vouchers of the Commissioner on order of the Commissioner of Finance and Management from the proper appropriation for the administration of this chapter. (Amended 1965, No. 194, § 10, operative February 1, 1967; 1973, No. 193 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. April 9, 1974; 1983, No. 195 (Adj. Sess.), § 5(b); 1983, No. 230 (Adj. Sess.), § 16; 2009, No. 154, § 238.)