Vermont Statutes
Chapter 32 - Flood Hazard Areas
§ 754. Flood hazard area rules; uses exempt from municipal regulation

§ 754. Flood hazard area rules; uses exempt from municipal regulation
(a) Rulemaking authority.
(1) On or before November 1, 2014, the Secretary shall adopt rules pursuant to 3 V.S.A. chapter 25 that establish requirements for the issuance and enforcement of permits applicable to:
(i) uses exempt from municipal regulation that are located within a flood hazard area or river corridor of a municipality that has adopted a flood hazard bylaw or ordinance under 24 V.S.A. chapter 117; and
(ii) State-owned and -operated institutions and facilities that are located within a flood hazard area or river corridor.
(2) The Secretary shall not adopt rules under this subsection that regulate agricultural activities without the consent of the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets, provided that the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets shall not withhold consent under this subdivision when lack of such consent would result in the State’s noncompliance with the National Flood Insurance Program.
(3) The Secretary shall seek the guidance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in developing and drafting the rules required by this section in order to ensure that the rules are sufficient to meet eligibility requirements for the National Flood Insurance Program.
(b) Required rulemaking content. The rules shall:
(1) set forth the requirements necessary to ensure uses exempt from municipal regulation are regulated by the State in order to comply with the regulatory obligations set forth under the National Flood Insurance Program.
(2) be designed to ensure that the State and municipalities meet community eligibility requirements for the National Flood Insurance Program.
(3) [Repealed.]
(c) Discretionary rulemaking. The rules may establish requirements that exceed the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program for uses exempt from municipal regulation, provided that any rules adopted under this subsection that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program shall be designed to prevent or limit a risk of harm to life, property, or infrastructure from flooding.
(d) General permit. The rules authorized by this section may establish requirements for a general permit to implement the requirements of this section, including authorization under the general permit to conduct a specified use exempt from municipal regulation without notifying or reporting to the Secretary or an agency delegated under subsection (g) of this section.
(e) Consultation with interested parties. Prior to submitting the rules required by this section to the Secretary of State under 3 V.S.A. § 838, the Secretary shall solicit the recommendations of and consult with affected and interested persons and entities such as: the Secretary of Commerce and Community Development; the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets; the Secretary of Transportation; the Commissioner of Financial Regulation; representatives of river protection interests; representatives of fishing and recreational interests; representatives of the banking industry; representatives of the agricultural community; representatives of the forest products industry; the regional planning commissions; municipal interests; and representatives of municipal associations.
(f) Permit requirement. A person shall not commence or conduct a use exempt from municipal regulation in a flood hazard area or river corridor in a municipality that has adopted a flood hazard area bylaw or ordinance under 24 V.S.A. chapter 117 or commence construction of a State-owned and -operated institution or facility located within a flood hazard area or river corridor, without a permit issued under the rules required under subsection (a) of this section by the Secretary or by a State agency delegated permitting authority under subsection (g) of this section. When an application is filed under this section, the Secretary or delegated State agency shall proceed in accordance with chapter 170 of this title.
(g) Delegation.
(1) The Secretary may delegate to another State agency the authority to implement the rules adopted under this section, to issue a permit under subsection (f) of this section, and to enforce the rules and a permit.
(2) A memorandum of understanding shall be entered into between the Secretary and a delegated State agency for the purpose of specifying implementation of requirements of this section and the rules adopted under this section, issuance of a permit or coverage under a general permit under this section, and enforcement of the rules and permit required by this section.
(3) Prior to entering a memorandum of understanding, the Secretary shall post the proposed memorandum of understanding on its website for 30 days for notice and comment. When the memorandum of understanding is posted, it shall include a summary of the proposed memorandum; the name, telephone number, and address of a person able to answer questions and receive comments on the proposal; and the deadline for receiving comments. A final copy of a memorandum of understanding entered into under this section shall be sent to the chairs of the House Committees on Energy and Technology and on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife, the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, and any other committee that has jurisdiction over an agency that is a party to the memorandum of understanding.
(h) Municipal authority. This section and the rules adopted under it shall not prevent a municipality from adopting substantive requirements for development in a flood hazard area bylaw or ordinance under 24 V.S.A. chapter 117 that are more stringent than the rules required by this section, provided that the bylaw or ordinance shall not apply to uses exempt from municipal regulation. (Added 2011, No. 138 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. May 14, 2012; amended 2013, No. 107 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. April 18, 2014; 2015, No. 150 (Adj. Sess.), § 8, eff. Jan. 1, 2018; 2017, No. 113 (Adj. Sess.), § 44a.)