Vermont Statutes
Chapter 12 - Dentists, Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Assistants
§ 624. Practice

§ 624. Practice
(a) A dental hygienist may perform duties for which the dental hygienist has been qualified by successful completion of the normal curriculum offered by programs of dental hygiene accredited by the American Dental Association or in continuing education courses approved by the Board. A dental hygienist may perform tasks in the office of any licensed dentist consistent with rules adopted by the Board.
(b) A public-health hygienist, who shall be a dental hygienist with no fewer than three years of experience, may perform tasks in out-of-office settings, including residences, schools, nursing home and long-term care facilities, clinics, hospitals, medical facilities, community health centers licensed or approved by the Department of Health, Head Start programs, and any other facilities or programs deemed appropriate by the Department of Health in a manner consistent with guidelines adopted by the Board by rule.
(c)(1) A dental hygienist, when authorized by the Board by rule, may administer local anesthetics under the direct supervision and by the prescription of a licensed dentist.
(2) The license of a dental hygienist authorized by Board rule to administer local anesthetics shall have a special endorsement to that effect. (Added 2011, No. 116 (Adj. Sess.), § 13; amended 2013, No. 27, § 3; 2019, No. 30, § 10.)