Vermont Statutes
Chapter 141 - Captive Insurance Companies
§ 6049m. Confidentiality

§ 6049m. Confidentiality
(a) All documents, materials, and other information, including confidential and privileged documents, examination reports, preliminary examination reports or results, working papers, recorded information, and copies of any of these produced by, obtained by, or disclosed to the Commissioner or any other person in the course of an examination made under this subchapter are confidential and shall not be:
(1) subject to subpoena;
(2) subject to public inspection and copying under the Public Records Act; or
(3) discoverable or admissible in evidence in any private civil action.
(b) In furtherance of his or her regulatory duties, the Commissioner may:
(1) share documents, materials, and other information, including those that are confidential and privileged, with other state, federal, or international regulatory agencies and law enforcement authorities, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the North American Securities Administrators Association, self-regulatory organizations organized under 15 U.S.C. §§ 78f, 78o-3, and 78q-1, and other self-regulatory organizations and their affiliates or subsidiaries, provided that the recipient agrees in writing to maintain the confidentiality and privileged status of the documents, materials, and other information;
(2) receive documents, materials, and information, including those that are confidential and privileged, from other state, federal, and international regulatory agencies and law enforcement authorities, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the North American Securities Administrators Association, self-regulatory organizations organized under 15 U.S.C. §§ 78f, 78o-3, and 78q-1, and other self-regulatory organizations and their affiliates or subsidiaries and shall maintain as confidential or privileged any document, material, or information received with notice or the understanding that it is confidential or privileged under the laws of the jurisdiction that is the source of the document, material, or information;
(3) enter into written agreements with other state, federal, and international regulatory agencies and law enforcement authorities, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the North American Securities Administrators Association, self-regulatory organizations organized under 15 U.S.C. §§ 78f, 78o-3, and 78q-1, and other self-regulatory organizations and their affiliates or subsidiaries governing the sharing and use of information consistent with this section, including agreements providing for cooperation between the Commissioner and other agencies in relation to the activities of a supervisory college; and
(4) participate in a supervisory college for any affiliated reinsurance company that is part of an affiliated group with international operations in order to assess the insurer’s compliance with Vermont laws and regulations, as well as to assess its business strategy, financial condition, risk exposure, risk management, governance processes, and legal and regulatory position.
(c) Prior to sharing information under subsection (b) of this section, the Commissioner shall determine that sharing the information will substantially further the performance of the regulatory or law enforcement duties of the recipient and that the information shall not be made public by the Commissioner or an employee or agent of the Commissioner without the written consent of the company, except to the extent provided in subsection (b) of this section. (Added 2017, No. 134 (Adj. Sess.), § 10.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 8 - Banking and Insurance

Chapter 141 - Captive Insurance Companies

§ 6001. Definitions

§ 6002. Licensing; authority

§ 6003. Names of companies

§ 6004. Minimum capital and surplus; letter of credit

§ 6005. Dividends

§ 6006. Formation of captive insurance companies in this State

§ 6006a. Mergers

§ 6006b. Redomestication

§ 6007. Reports and statements

§ 6008. Examinations and investigations

§ 6009. Grounds and procedures for suspension or revocation of license

§ 6010. Legal investments

§ 6011. Reinsurance

§ 6012. Rating organizations; memberships

§ 6013. Exemption from compulsory associations

§ 6014. Tax on premiums collected

§ 6015. Rules and regulations

§ 6016. Laws applicable

§ 6017. Captive Insurance Regulatory and Supervision Fund

§ 6018. Delinquency

§ 6019. Rules for controlled unaffiliated business

§ 6020. Conversion to or merger with reciprocal insurer

§ 6024. Dormant captive insurance companies

§ 6031. Formation

§ 6032. Definitions

§ 6033. Supplemental application materials

§ 6034. Protected cells

§ 6034a. Incorporated protected cells

§ 6034b. Separate accounts of protected cells

§ 6034c. Protected cell conversion

§ 6034d. Sale, transfer, or assignment of protected cells

§ 6034f. Annual report; books and records

§ 6035. Qualification of sponsors

§ 6036. Participants in sponsored captive insurance companies

§ 6037. Investments by sponsored captive insurance companies and protected cells

§ 6038. Delinquency of sponsored captive insurance companies

§ 6039. Claimant recourse

§ 6041. Establishment of a branch captive insurance company

§ 6042. Definitions

§ 6043. Security required

§ 6043. Security required

§ 6045. Branch captive reports

§ 6046. Examination of branch captives

§ 6047. Taxation of branch captives

§ 6048a. Applicable law

§ 6048b. Existing licenses

§ 6048c. Definitions

§ 6048d. Licensing; authority

§ 6048e. Changes in plan of operation; voluntary dissolution or cessation of business

§ 6048f. Formation

§ 6048g. Minimum capital and surplus

§ 6048h. Securities

§ 6048i. Permitted reinsurance

§ 6048j. Disposition of assets; investments

§ 6048k. Annual report; books and records

§ 6048l. License suspension and revocation

§ 6048m. Delinquency

§ 6048n. Sponsored captives

§ 6048o. Confidentiality

§ 6049a. Applicable law

§ 6049b. Definitions

§ 6049c. Licensing; authority

§ 6049d. Formation

§ 6049e. Minimum capital and surplus

§ 6049f. Permitted reinsurance

§ 6049g. Disposition of assets; investments

§ 6049h. Annual report; books and records

§ 6049i. Insurance holding company systems

§ 6049j. Corporate governance; disclosure

§ 6049k. Own risk and solvency assessment

§ 6049l. Requirements for actuarial opinions

§ 6049m. Confidentiality