Vermont Statutes
Chapter 23 - Air Pollution Control
§ 580. 25 by 25 State goal

§ 580. 25 by 25 State goal
(a) It is a goal of the State, by the year 2025, to produce 25 percent of the energy consumed within the State through the use of renewable energy sources, particularly from Vermont’s farms and forests.
(b) By no later than January 15, 2009, the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets, in consultation with the Commissioner of Public Service and the Commissioner of Forests, Parks and Recreation, shall present to the Committees on Agriculture and on Natural Resources and Energy of the General Assembly a plan for attaining this goal. Plan updates shall be presented no less frequently than every three years thereafter, and a progress report shall be due annually on January 15.
(c) By no later than January 15, 2009, the Department of Public Service shall present to the legislative committees on natural resources and energy an updated Comprehensive Energy Plan that shall give due consideration to the public engagement process required under 30 V.S.A. § 254 and under 2006 Acts and Resolves No. 208, Sec. 2. By that time, the Department of Public Service shall incorporate plans adopted under this section into the State Comprehensive Energy Plan adopted under 30 V.S.A. § 202b. (Added 2007, No. 92 (Adj. Sess.), § 5.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 23 - Air Pollution Control

§ 551. Declaration of policy and purpose

§ 552. Definitions

§ 553. Agency

§ 554. Powers

§ 555. Classification, reporting and registration

§ 556. Permits for the construction or modification of air contaminant sources

§ 556a. Operating permits

§ 557. Inspections

§ 558. Emission control requirements

§ 560. Emergency procedure

§ 561. Variances

§ 562. Hearings and judicial review appeals

§ 563. Confidential records; penalty

§ 564. Local air pollution control programs

§ 565. Burning wood within municipality

§ 566. State and federal aid

§ 567. Motor vehicle pollution

§ 568. Penalties

§ 569. Limitations

§ 570. Exemption from taxation

§ 572. Exemption; steam locomotives and engines

§ 573. Motor vehicle air conditioning

§ 574. Regulation of ozone-depleting products

§ 574a. Ozone-depleting chemicals in industry

§ 575. Hazardous air contaminant monitoring program

§ 576. Small equipment for burning waste oil

§ 577. Prohibition on addition of gasoline ethers to fuel products

§ 578. Greenhouse gas reduction requirements

§ 579. Vehicle emissions labeling program for new motor vehicles

§ 580. 25 by 25 State goal

§ 581. Building efficiency goals

§ 582. Greenhouse gas inventories; registry

§ 583. Repeal of stage II vapor recovery requirements

§ 584. Inefficient outdoor wood-fired boiler change-out program; retirement

§ 585. Heating oil content; sulfur; biodiesel

§ 586. Regulation of hydrofluorocarbons