Vermont Statutes
Chapter 201 - Immunity From Liability
§ 5784. Forcible entry of motor vehicle to remove unattended child or animal

§ 5784. Forcible entry of motor vehicle to remove unattended child or animal
A person who forcibly enters a motor vehicle for the purpose of removing a child or animal from the motor vehicle shall not be subject to civil liability for damages arising from the forcible entry if the person:
(1) determines the motor vehicle is locked or there is otherwise no reasonable method for the child or animal to exit the vehicle;
(2) reasonably and in good faith believes that forcible entry into the motor vehicle is necessary because the child or animal is in imminent danger of harm;
(3) notifies local law enforcement, fire department, or a 911 operator prior to forcibly entering the vehicle;
(4) remains with the child or animal in a safe location reasonably close to the motor vehicle until a law enforcement, fire, or other emergency responder arrives;
(5) places a notice on the vehicle that the authorities have been notified and specifying the location of the child or animal; and
(6) uses no more force to enter the vehicle and remove the child or animal than necessary under the circumstances. (Added 2015, No. 147 (Adj. Sess.), § 24.)