Vermont Statutes
Chapter 19 - Enforcement
§ 568. Costs of forfeiture and condemnation proceedings

§ 568. Costs of forfeiture and condemnation proceedings
Upon condemnation of alcoholic beverages, alcohol, or other property pursuant to section 567 of this title, any person apprehended and brought before the court under sections 563 and 565 of this title shall be liable for the costs of the proceedings if, in the judgment of the court, any of them by themselves, or through clerks, servants, or agents:
(1) engaged in, or aided, assisted, or abetted the keeping of the alcoholic beverages, alcohol, or other property for unlawful sale, distribution, or use;
(2) were privy to the keeping of the alcoholic beverages, alcohol, or other property for unlawful sale, distribution, or use; or
(3) knowingly permitted the use of any building or apartments the person owned or controlled for storing or keeping the alcoholic beverages, alcohol, or other property for unlawful sale, distribution, or use. (Amended 2017, No. 83, § 86.)