§ 5652. Validity of arbitration agreements
(a) General rule. Unless otherwise provided in the agreement, a written agreement to submit any existing controversy to arbitration or a provision in a written contract to submit to arbitration any controversy thereafter arising between the parties creates a duty to arbitrate, and is valid, enforceable, and irrevocable, except upon such grounds as exist for the revocation of a contract.
(b) Required provision. No agreement to arbitrate is enforceable unless accompanied by or containing a written acknowledgment of arbitration signed by each of the parties or their representatives. When contained in the same document as the agreement to arbitrate, that acknowledgment shall be displayed prominently. The acknowledgment shall provide substantially as follows:
I understand that (this agreement/my agreement with of ) contains an agreement to arbitrate. After signing (this/that) document, I understand that I will not be able to bring a lawsuit concerning any dispute that may arise which is covered by the arbitration agreement, unless it involves a question of constitutional or civil rights. Instead, I agree to submit any such dispute to an impartial arbitrator.” (Added 1985, No. 95, § 2.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 5652. Validity of arbitration agreements
§ 5654. Uniformity of interpretation
§ 5655. Representation by attorney
§ 5661. Majority action by arbitrators
§ 5662. Witnesses; subpoenas; depositions
§ 5664. Modification of award by arbitrators
§ 5665. Fees and expenses of arbitration
§ 5673. Applications to court; service
§ 5674. Proceedings to compel or stay arbitration
§ 5675. Appointment of arbitrators
§ 5676. Confirmation of an award
§ 5679. Judgment or decree on award