§ 5102a. Grievance procedures
A health maintenance organization shall establish and maintain a grievance or complaint handling procedure which has been approved by the Commissioner to provide for the resolution of grievances and complaints initiated by members. The organization shall respond in writing to any grievance or complaint within 15 days, advising the complainant of the resolution of the grievance or complaint or that a resolution is in process and that a response will be furnished in a timely manner. The health maintenance organization shall maintain records on all grievances received under this section until the Department has filed a report of examination on the grievances but no longer than seven years from the date of the grievance. Members shall be provided with a copy of the grievance procedures upon enrollment. (Added 1993, No. 30, § 6, eff. May 21, 1993.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 8 - Banking and Insurance
Chapter 139 - Health Maintenance Organization
§ 5102. Application; certification, filing, and license fees
§ 5102a. Grievance procedures
§ 5103. Precertificate activities
§ 5104. Filing and approval of rates and forms; supplemental orders
§ 5106. Annual report to the Commissioner
§ 5107. Powers of health maintenance organizations
§ 5110. Name of health maintenance organization
§ 5112. Statutory construction and relationship to other laws