Vermont Statutes
Chapter 163 - Chancery Proceedings
§ 4632. Opportunity to mediate

§ 4632. Opportunity to mediate
(a) In an action for foreclosure subject to this subchapter, whenever the mortgagor requests mediation prior to four months after judgment is entered and before the end of the redemption period specified in the decree, the court shall refer the case to mediation pursuant to this subchapter, except that the court may:
(1) for good cause, shorten the four-month period or thereafter decline to order mediation; or
(2) decline to order mediation if the mortgagor requests mediation after judgment has been entered and the court determines that the mortgagor is attempting to delay the case, or the court may for good cause decline to order mediation if the mortgagor requests mediation after judgment has been entered.
(b) Unless the mortgagee and mortgagor agree otherwise or the court so orders for good cause shown, all mediation shall be completed prior to the expiration of the redemption period specified in the decree and within 120 days of the mediator’s appointment. The redemption period shall not be stayed on account of pending mediation.
(c) In an action for foreclosure of a mortgage subject to this subchapter, the mortgagee shall serve upon the mortgagor two copies of the notice described in subsection (d) of this section with the summons and complaint. The Supreme Court may by rule consolidate this notice with other foreclosure-related notices as long as the consolidation is consistent with the content and format of the notice under this subsection.
(d) The notice required by subsection (c) of this section shall:
(1) be on a form approved by the Court Administrator;
(2) advise the homeowner of the homeowner’s rights in foreclosure proceedings under this subchapter;
(3) state the importance of participating in mediation even if the homeowner is currently communicating with the mortgagee or servicer;
(4) provide contact information for legal services; and
(5) incorporate a form that can be used by the homeowner to request mediation from the court.
(e) The Vermont Bar Association (VBA) shall have the authority to establish a fair and neutral mediator-selection process. If the mortgagee and mortgagor are unable to select a mediator through the selection process established by the VBA, the court shall appoint a qualified mediator for the case. (Added 2009, No. 132 (Adj. Sess.), § 4; amended 2013, No. 8, § 1, eff. Dec. 1, 2013.)