Vermont Statutes
Chapter 109 - Penalties and Enforcement
§ 4509. Proceeds; accounting; liens

§ 4509. Proceeds; accounting; liens
The Commissioner shall make return in writing to the court issuing such order of sale and shall transmit to the court therewith from the proceeds of such sale all costs of condemnation proceedings not taxed against other persons as herein provided. The balance of proceeds remaining shall be credited to the General Fund of the Fish and Wildlife Department and deposited, held, and accounted for in the same manner as provided by law for the miscellaneous receipts by such Department, after paying all liens on such device, according to their validity and priority that are established by intervention or otherwise at the time of forfeiture being adjudged or in other proceedings brought for such purpose as being bona fide and having been created without knowledge by the holders thereof that such device was being or intended to be used contrary to the provisions hereof, such liens to be specified by the court in its order of sale or by order in writing of any other court having jurisdiction over such liens and devices. (Added 1961, No. 119, § 1, eff. May 9, 1961; amended 1983, No. 158 (Adj. Sess.), eff. April 13, 1984.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 109 - Penalties and Enforcement

§ 4501. Aiding in violations; sharing in proceeds

§ 4502. Uniform point system; revocation of license

§ 4503. Unlawful equipment, vehicle, forfeiture

§ 4504. Duties of prosecutor and warden

§ 4505. Hearing; forfeiture

§ 4506. Disposal order

§ 4507. Costs of condemnation

§ 4508. Sale of forfeited equipment

§ 4509. Proceeds; accounting; liens

§ 4510. Rights of innocent owner

§ 4511. Reopening forfeiture proceedings; rehearing; jurisdiction of courts

§ 4512. Appeal

§ 4513. Unlawful devices for taking fish or wild animals; confiscation; sale

§ 4514. Possession of flesh of game; restitution

§ 4515. General penalty

§ 4517. Destruction of State property

§ 4518. Big game violations; threatened and endangered species; suspension; violations

§ 4519. Assurance of discontinuance

§ 4520. Administrative penalties

§ 4520a. Notice and hearing requirements

§ 4521. Failure to stop

§ 4522. Unclaimed evidence

§ 4551. Fish and wildlife violation defined

§ 4552. Jurisdiction; venue

§ 4553. Information and summons; form

§ 4554. Procedure on failure to appear; notice

§ 4555. Answers to uniform fish and wildlife informations

§ 4557. Supreme Court rules

§ 4571. Legislative findings; minor fish and wildlife violations defined

§ 4572. Definitions

§ 4574. Procedure

§ 4575. Suspension for failure to pay

§ 4576. Violation report; assessment of points

§ 4577. Reports