§ 4303. Local interagency teams
(a) There shall be at least one local interagency team for each administrative district established by the Department for Children and Families whose permanent membership shall include:
(1) The person from the designated community mental health agency for that district responsible for coordinating children’s services.
(2) The person managing the family services district office of the Department for Children and Families for that district.
(3) A special education administrator from a school district in that district.
(4) A person designated by the Secretary of Human Services.
(5) A parent of a child or adolescent with a severe emotional disturbance. The parent shall receive compensation in accordance with the provisions of 32 V.S.A. § 1010, and the compensation shall be paid for by the Agency of Human Services.
(b) In addition to the permanent members, the local interagency team reviewing the case of a child or adolescent shall include as ad hoc members the special education administrator of the school district serving the child or adolescent and the parents of the child or adolescent. The local interagency team may appoint on an ad hoc basis, other persons determined to be necessary for the effectiveness of the team.
(c) The local interagency team shall appoint one of its permanent members to be chair. If the local interagency team cannot agree on a chair, one will be appointed by the State interagency team.
(d) A referral may be made by a local agency, service provider, or parent concerning a child or adolescent with a severe emotional disturbance when agreement cannot be reached with respect to the provision of appropriate services for the child or adolescent. When a referral is made, the local interagency team shall:
(1) make recommendations concerning the following matters upon which agreement cannot be reached: assessment of the child, coordinated service planning, and the provision of services for the child or adolescent;
(2) review the coordinated services plan for the child or adolescent and amend the plan if necessary.
(e) The local interagency team may meet at the request of any agency or parent to serve as a forum for consideration of general issues relating to implementation of the provisions of this chapter.
(f) After all attempts have been made without success to resolve any matter considered under subsection (d) or (e) of this section the matter shall be referred to the State interagency team.
(g) The local interagency team annually shall inform all local agencies and service providers for children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbances of the provisions of this chapter and any implementing rules or procedures. (Added 1987, No. 264 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; amended 1989, No. 203 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 2, 3; 2013, No. 131 (Adj. Sess.), § 70, eff. May 20, 2014.)