Vermont Statutes
Chapter 113 - Liability Insurance and Service Contract Companies
§ 4203. Required conditions

§ 4203. Required conditions
Each policy issued and delivered under this chapter shall contain in substance the following conditions:
(1) The company shall pay and satisfy any judgment that may be recovered against the insured upon any claim covered by this policy to the extent and within the limits of liability assumed thereby and shall protect the insured against the levy of any execution issued upon any such judicial judgment or claim against the insured. No limitation of liability in the policy shall be valid if, after a judgment has been rendered against the insured in respect to his or her legal liability for damages in a particular instance, the company continues the litigation by an appeal or otherwise, unless the insured stipulates with the company, agreeing to continue such litigation.
(2) No action shall lie against the company to recover for any loss under this policy, unless brought within one year after the amount of such loss is made certain either by judgment against the insured after final determination of the litigation or by agreement between the parties with the written consent of the company.
(3) The insolvency or bankruptcy of the insured shall not release the company from the payment of damages for injury sustained or loss occasioned during the life of the policy, and in case of such insolvency or bankruptcy an action may be maintained by the injured person or claimant against the company under the terms of the policy, for the amount of any judgment obtained against the insured not exceeding the limits of the policy.
(4) Payment of any judicial judgment or claim by the insured for any of the company’s liability under the policy shall not bar the insured from any action or right of action against the company. In case of payment of loss or expense under the policy, the company shall be subrogated to all rights of the insured against any party, as respects such loss or expense, to the amount of such payment, and the insured shall execute all papers required and shall cooperate with the company to secure to the company such rights.
(5) Policies of motor vehicle insurance shall not provide for any adjustment of rates, the application of any merit rating surcharge plan, nor any similar adjustment or surcharge for any payments made to or on behalf of an insured for damages not attributable to any fault of the insured.
(6) Policies of motor vehicle insurance shall not provide for any adjustment of rates, the application of any merits surcharge rating plan, nor any similar adjustment or surcharge for the first violation of 23 V.S.A. § 800. (Amended 1985, No. 77, § 4; 2021, No. 105 (Adj. Sess.), § 166, eff. July 1, 2022.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 8 - Banking and Insurance

Chapter 113 - Liability Insurance and Service Contract Companies

§ 4201. Filing and approval of policies; review

§ 4201a. Filing fees

§ 4202. Form and contents of policy

§ 4203. Required conditions

§ 4204. Illegal provisions

§ 4205. Effect of false statement in application

§ 4206. Acts not constituting waivers

§ 4207. Penalty for unauthorized alterations

§ 4208. Construction of illegal policies

§ 4209. Penalties

§ 4210. Cost of examinations

§ 4211. Volunteer drivers

§ 4222. Definitions

§ 4223. Cancellation of automobile insurance

§ 4224. Notice of cancellation

§ 4225. Notice of nonrenewal

§ 4225a. Renewal policies

§ 4226. Notice requirements

§ 4227. Notice of eligibility

§ 4228. Required renewals; continuation of agents’ contracts and brokers’ accounts

§ 4229. Penalties

§ 4241. Vermont Automobile Insurance Plan

§ 4242. General provisions of Plan

§ 4243. Submission and approval of Plan

§ 4244. Commissioner to formulate Plan

§ 4245. Insurers to participate in plan

§ 4246. Insurer or rating organization; conduct of

§ 4247. Definitions

§ 4248. Registration required

§ 4249. Proof of financial stability

§ 4250. Examinations

§ 4251. Consumer disclosure requirements

§ 4252. Obligations of providers and insurers

§ 4253. Prohibited acts

§ 4254. Prohibited terms

§ 4255. Penalties; enforcement

§ 4256. Exemption for certain delivery service maintenance and repair contracts