Vermont Statutes
Chapter 108 - Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers Franchising
§ 4084. Legislative findings

§ 4084. Legislative findings
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that the distribution and sale of vehicles within this State vitally affects the general economy of the State and the public interest and the public welfare, and that in order to promote the public interest and the public welfare, and in the exercise of its police power, it is necessary to regulate vehicle manufacturers, distributors, or wholesalers and factory or distributor representatives, and to regulate franchises issued by the aforementioned who are doing business in this State in order to prevent frauds, impositions, and other abuses upon its citizens and to protect and preserve the investments and properties of the citizens of this State.
(b) The Legislature further finds that there continues to exist an inequality of bargaining power between motor vehicle franchisors and motor vehicle franchisees. This inequality of bargaining power enables motor vehicle franchisors to compel motor vehicle franchisees to execute franchises and related agreements that contain terms and conditions that would not routinely be agreed to by the motor vehicle franchisees if this inequality did not exist. Furthermore, as the result of the inequality of bargaining power, motor vehicle franchisees have not had the opportunity to have disputes with their motor vehicle franchisors arising out of the franchisor-franchisee relationship heard in an appropriate venue, convenient to both parties, by tribunals established by statute for the resolution of these disputes. It therefore is in the public interest to enact legislation to prevent unfair or arbitrary treatment of motor vehicle franchisees by motor vehicle franchisors. It is the Legislature’s intent to have this chapter liberally construed in order to achieve its purpose. (Added 1981, No. 157 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. April 14, 1982; amended 2009, No. 57, § 1, eff. June 1, 2009.)