Vermont Statutes
Chapter 85 - Weapons
§ 4007. Furnishing firearms to children

§ 4007. Furnishing firearms to children
A person, firm, or corporation, other than a parent or guardian, who sells or furnishes to a minor under the age of 16 years a firearm or other dangerous weapon or ammunition for firearms shall be fined not more than $50.00 nor less than $10.00. This section shall not apply to an instructor or teacher who furnishes firearms to pupils for instruction and drill.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 13 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure

Chapter 85 - Weapons

§ 4001. Slung shot, blackjack, brass knuckles—Use or possession

§ 4002. Manufacture, sale, etc

§ 4003. Carrying dangerous weapons

§ 4004. Possession of dangerous or deadly weapon in a school bus or school building or on school property

§ 4005. While committing a crime

§ 4006. Record of firearm sales

§ 4007. Furnishing firearms to children

§ 4008. Possession of firearms by children

§ 4009. Negligent use of gun

§ 4010. Gun suppressors

§ 4011. Aiming gun at another

§ 4012. Reporting treatment of firearm wounds

§ 4013. Zip guns; switchblade knives

§ 4014. Purchase of firearms in other states

§ 4015. Purchase of firearms by nonresidents

§ 4016. Weapons in court

§ 4017. Persons prohibited from possessing firearms; conviction of violent crime

§ 4018. Drones

§ 4019. Firearms transfers; background checks

§ 4020. Sale of firearms to persons under 21 years of age prohibited

§ 4021. Large capacity ammunition feeding devices

§ 4022. Bump-fire stocks; possession prohibited

§ 4023. Possession of firearms in hospital buildings prohibited

§ 4051. Definitions

§ 4052. Jurisdiction and venue

§ 4053. Petition for extreme risk protection order

§ 4054. Emergency relief; temporary ex parte order

§ 4055. Termination and renewal motions

§ 4056. Service

§ 4057. Procedure

§ 4058. Enforcement; criminal penalties

§ 4059. Relinquishment, storage, and return of dangerous weapons

§ 4060. Appeals

§ 4061. Effect on other laws

§ 4062. Annual reporting; Office of Court Administrator and Agency of Human Services