Vermont Statutes
Chapter 16A - Vermont Agricultural Credit Program
§ 374e. Agricultural Credit Development Fund

§ 374e. Agricultural Credit Development Fund
The Agricultural Credit Development Fund is created and shall be used by the corporation for the purposes of this chapter. All reasonable administrative expenses of the corporation shall be paid from the Fund. The Fund shall be credited with any appropriations made by the General Assembly, all payments of principal and interest received from loans transferred or assigned to or made by the corporation, any available grants or gifts made to the corporation, the proceeds of any sale, transfer, pledge, mortgage, hypothecation, or other disposition of loans transferred or assigned to the corporation by the Authority and loans made by the corporation pursuant to this chapter, and any funds borrowed by the corporation. Monies in the Fund may, after payment of reasonable administrative expenses and debt service on the indebtedness of the corporation incurred in furtherance of its purposes under this chapter, be loaned by the corporation directly to eligible borrowers, used to purchase or acquire portions of loans made by unrelated third party lenders to eligible borrowers, or to subsidize the payment of interest on the debt of the corporation so as to lower the interest rate on loans made by the corporation to eligible borrowers. (Added 1999, No. 25, § 1.)