Vermont Statutes
Chapter 7 - Podiatry
§ 373. Renewal of licensure

§ 373. Renewal of licensure
(a) A person licensed by the Board to practice podiatry shall apply biennially for the renewal of his or her license. At least one month prior to the date on which renewal is required, the Board shall send to each licensee a license renewal application form and notice of the date on which the existing license will expire. On or before the renewal date, the licensee shall file an application for license renewal and pay the required fee; however, any podiatrist while on extended active duty as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces, the National Guard, or the State Guard who is licensed as a podiatrist at the time of an activation or deployment shall receive an extension of licensure up to 90 days following the podiatrist’s return from activation or deployment, provided the podiatrist notifies the Board of his or her activation or deployment prior to the expiration of the current license and certifies that the circumstances of the activation or deployment impede good faith efforts to make timely application for renewal of the license. The Board shall register the applicant and issue the renewal license. Within one month following the date by which renewal is required, the Board shall pay the license renewal fees into the Board of Medical Practice Regulatory Fee Fund.
[Subsection (b) effective until 60 days after the adoption of the maintenance of licensure rule for podiatrists.]
(b) A license that has lapsed for up to 364 days may be reinstated on payment of a renewal fee and a late renewal penalty. A license that has lapsed for one year or longer may be reinstated upon payment of the reinstatement fee and completion of the reinstatement application as set forth by the Board by rule. The applicant shall not be required to pay renewal fees during periods when the license was lapsed. However, if such license remains lapsed for a period of three years or longer, the Board may, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, require reexamination or other conditions of renewal.
[Subsection (b) effective 60 days after the adoption of the maintenance of licensure rule for podiatrists.]
(b) A license that has lapsed for up to 364 days may be reinstated on payment of a renewal fee and a late renewal penalty. A license that has lapsed for one year or longer may be reinstated upon payment of the reinstatement fee and completion of the reinstatement application as set forth by the Board by rule. The applicant shall not be required to pay renewal fees during periods when the license was lapsed. However, if such license remains lapsed for a period of three years or longer, the Board may require the licensee to update his or her knowledge and skills as defined by Board rules.
(c) Notwithstanding the provision of subsection (a) of this section, the Board may, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, require reexamination as a condition of renewal if the Board finds that the licensee has failed to maintain competence in the knowledge and skills of a podiatrist.
(d) All applicants shall demonstrate that the requirements for licensure are met. (Added 1985, No. 256 (Adj. Sess.), § 8, eff. June 30, 1986; amended 2011, No. 61, § 1, eff. June 2, 2011; 2019, No. 126 (Adj. Sess.), §§ 4, 5.)