Vermont Statutes
Chapter 8 - Humane and Proper Treatment of Animals
§ 371. Euthanizing animals

§ 371. Euthanizing animals
(a) Registered animal shelters may purchase, possess, and administer approved euthanasia solution to euthanize injured, sick, homeless, or unwanted pets and animals in accordance with the rules established by the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets under 20 V.S.A. § 3913.
(b) No person shall euthanize animals for an animal shelter without first completing the certification training program under 20 V.S.A. § 3913, except a Vermont licensed veterinarian and a person in training under such program. (Added 1989, No. 270 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; amended 1993, No. 116 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. March 23, 1994; 2003, No. 42, § 2, eff. May 27, 2003.)