Vermont Statutes
Chapter 77 - Trees and Plants
§ 3602. Valuation of trees or timber

§ 3602. Valuation of trees or timber
Any person who is entitled to damages pursuant to section 3606 of this title or who is entitled to restitution for a violation of section 3606a of this title may provide an assessment of the value, based upon the kind, condition, location, and use of the timber cut down, destroyed, removed, injured, damaged, or carried away or, in the alternative, may assess the value of the timber as follows:
(1) if a tree is no more than six inches in stump diameter or DBH, $50.00;
(2) if a tree is more than six inches and not more than ten inches in stump diameter or DBH, $100.00;
(3) if a tree is more than 10 inches and not more than 14 inches in stump diameter or DBH, $300.00;
(4) if a tree is more than 14 inches and not more than 18 inches in stump diameter or DBH, $750.00;
(5) if a tree is more than 18 inches and not more than 22 inches in stump diameter or DBH, $1,500.00;
(6) if a tree is greater than 22 inches in stump diameter or DBH, $2,000.00;
(7) for a bush or shrub, $50.00. (Added 2009, No. 147 (Adj. Sess.), § 4; amended 2015, No. 106 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)