Vermont Statutes
Chapter 5 - Budget
§ 308e. 27/53 Reserve

§ 308e. 27/53 Reserve
(a)(1) There is hereby created within the General Fund the 27/53 Reserve. The purpose of this reserve is to meet the liabilities of the recurring 27th State payroll and the 53rd week of Medicaid payments. These liabilities will be funded by reserving a prorated amount of general funds each year, before the liability comes due.
(2) Beginning in September 2016 and annually thereafter at the September Joint Fiscal Committee meeting, the Commissioner of Finance and Management shall report on the anticipated liability for the next 27th payroll and 53rd week of Medicaid payments, providing the current reserve balance and a schedule of annual amounts needed to meet the obligation of these payments.
(b) As part of the Governor’s budget submission under section 306 of this title, the amount prorated for the upcoming fiscal year identified in subdivision (a)(2) of this section shall be included as a budgeted transfer to the 27/53 Reserve.
(c) In a fiscal year where a 27th State payroll or 53rd week of Medicaid payment is due, the General Assembly shall appropriate the funds from the 27/53 Reserve to meet the expenditures within the year in which these payments are due. (Added 2015, No. 172 (Adj. Sess.), § B.1105.)