§ 3076. Indebtedness
The board may borrow money through the issuance of notes of the district for the purpose of paying current expenses of the district. Such notes shall mature within one year, and may be refunded in the manner provided by law, and shall be payable solely from the district’s operating revenues. The governing board may borrow money in anticipation of the receipt of grants-in-aid from any source and any revenues. Such notes shall mature within one year, but may be renewed as provided by general law. (Added 2015, No. 41, § 20, eff. June 1, 2015.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 82 - Communications Union Districts
§ 3053. Creation; duration; noncontestability
§ 3055. Communications plant; sites
§ 3056. Limitations; taxes; indebtedness
§ 3060. Organizational meeting
§ 3066. Compensation of representatives
§ 3072. Compensation of officers
§ 3078. Sinking and reserve funds
§ 3081. Withdrawal of a member municipality