Vermont Statutes
Chapter 61 - Campaign Finance
§ 2963. Campaign reports; Secretary of State; forms; filing

§ 2963. Campaign reports; Secretary of State; forms; filing
(a) The Secretary of State shall prescribe and provide a uniform reporting form for all campaign finance reports. The reporting form shall be designed to show the following information:
(1) the full name, town of residence, and mailing address of each contributor who contributes an amount in excess of $100.00, the date of the contribution, and the amount contributed;
(2) the total amount of all contributions of $100.00 or less and the total number of all contributors making such contributions;
(3) each expenditure listed by amount, date, to whom paid, for what purpose; and
(A) if the expenditure was a related campaign expenditure made on a candidate’s behalf:
(i) the name of the candidate or candidates on whose behalf the expenditure was made; and
(ii) the name of any other candidate or candidates who were otherwise supported or opposed by the expenditure; or
(B) if the expenditure was not a related campaign expenditure made on a candidate’s behalf but was made to support or oppose a candidate or candidates, the name of the candidate or candidates;
(4) the amount contributed or loaned by the candidate to his or her own campaign during the reporting period; and
(5) each debt or other obligation, listed by amount, date incurred, to whom owed, and for what purpose, incurred during the reporting period.
(b)(1) The form shall require the reporting of all contributions and expenditures accepted or spent during the reporting period and during the campaign to date and shall require full disclosure of the manner in which any indebtedness is discharged or forgiven.
(2) Contributions and expenditures for the reporting period and for the campaign to date also shall be totaled in an appropriate place on the form. The total of contributions shall include a subtotal of nonmonetary contributions and a subtotal of all monetary contributions.
(3) The form shall contain a list of the required filing times so that the person filing may designate for which time period the filing is made.
(4) Contributions accepted and expenditures spent after 5:00 p.m. on the third day prior to the filing deadline shall be reported on the next report. (Added 2013, No. 90 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. Jan. 23, 2014; amended 2015, No. 30, § 34, eff. May 26, 2015.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 17 - Elections

Chapter 61 - Campaign Finance

§ 2901. Definitions

§ 2902. Exceptions

§ 2903. Penalties

§ 2904. Civil investigation

§ 2904a. Reports to the State Ethics Commission

§ 2905. Adjustments for inflation

§ 2906. Campaign database; candidate information web page

§ 2907. Administration

§ 2921. Candidates; registration; checking account; treasurer

§ 2922. Political committees; registration; checking account; treasurer

§ 2923. Political parties; registration; checking accounts; treasurer

§ 2924. Candidates; surplus campaign funds; new campaign accounts

§ 2925. Political committees; surplus campaign funds

§ 2941. Limitations of contributions

§ 2942. Exceptions

§ 2943. Limitations adjusted for inflation

§ 2944. Accountability for related expenditures

§ 2945. Accepting contributions

§ 2946. Candidate’s attribution to previous cycle

§ 2947. Contributions from a candidate

§ 2948. Prohibition on transferring contributions

§ 2949. Use of term “candidate”

§ 2950. State officers and State office candidates; contractor contribution restrictions

§ 2961. Submission of reports to the Secretary of State

§ 2962. Reports; general provisions

§ 2963. Campaign reports; Secretary of State; forms; filing

§ 2964. Campaign reports; candidates for State office, the General Assembly, and county office; political committees; political parties

§ 2965. Final reports; candidates for State office, the General Assembly, and county office; political committees; political parties; end-of-cycle reports for political committees and political parties

§ 2966. Reports by candidates not reaching monetary reporting threshold

§ 2967. Additional campaign reports; candidates for State office and the General Assembly

§ 2968. Campaign reports; local candidates

§ 2969. Reporting of surplus maintenance by former candidates

§ 2970. Campaign reports; other entities; public questions

§ 2971. Report of mass media activities

§ 2972. Identification in electioneering communications

§ 2973. Specific identification requirements for radio, television, or Internet communications

§ 2981. Definitions

§ 2982. Filing of Vermont campaign finance affidavit

§ 2983. Vermont campaign finance grants; conditions

§ 2984. Qualifying contributions

§ 2985. Vermont campaign finance grants; amounts; timing

§ 2986. Monetary amounts adjusted for inflation