Vermont Statutes
Chapter 111 - Guardianship
§ 2886. License when guardian or ward resides out of state

§ 2886. License when guardian or ward resides out of state
On motion to the Probate Division of the Superior Court for an order to sell the real estate of a ward, when the sale is necessary or conducive to the interests of that person, a license may be granted as provided in this chapter, although the guardian making the motion, or the ward, or both, reside out of the State. (Amended 1979, No. 76, § 10; 1985, No. 144 (Adj. Sess.), § 139; 2009, No. 154 (Adj. Sess.), § 238a, eff. Feb. 1, 2011.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 14 - Decedents' Estates and Fiduciary Relations

Chapter 111 - Guardianship

§ 2602. Court appointing, to have jurisdiction; accounts

§ 2603. Nonresident guardian

§ 2621. Policy; purposes

§ 2622. Definitions

§ 2623. Petition for guardianship of minor; service

§ 2624. Jurisdiction; transfer to Family Division

§ 2625. Hearing; counsel; guardian ad litem

§ 2626. Consensual guardianship

§ 2627. Nonconsensual guardianship

§ 2628. Guardianship order

§ 2629. Powers and duties of guardian

§ 2630. Parent-child contact

§ 2631. Reports; review hearing

§ 2632. Termination

§ 2633. Appeals

§ 2634. Department for Children and Families policy

§ 2641. Parents as joint guardians

§ 2643. Release by court and parent on behalf of minor

§ 2644. Child of unmarried woman

§ 2647. For minor interested in an estate

§ 2648. Parent may be appointed guardian

§ 2649. Guardian appointed for nonresident minor

§ 2650. Minor’s choice of guardian

§ 2652. Choice of another guardian by minor

§ 2654. Control over property in another state

§ 2655. Parent may have custody of person

§ 2656. Guardian appointed by will

§ 2657. Guardian ad litem

§ 2658. Powers of guardian

§ 2659. Financial guardianship; minors

§ 2660. Statement of legislative intent

§ 2661. Definitions

§ 2662. Permanent guardian; rights and obligations

§ 2663. Parent of the minor; rights and obligations; support

§ 2664. Creation of permanent guardianship

§ 2665. Reports

§ 2666. Modification; termination

§ 2667. Order for visitation, contact, or information; immediate harm to the minor

§ 2671. Voluntary guardianship

§ 2681. Spendthrift, defined

§ 2684. Spendthrift; hearing; notice

§ 2685. Decree; appeal

§ 2687. Expense of resisting application

§ 2690. Guardian to give notice that ward’s contracts and transfers will be void

§ 2691. Spouse to support and have custody

§ 2692. Extent of guardian’s control

§ 2693. Married woman may be guardian

§ 2711. Nonresidents; powers of guardian

§ 2712. Hearing

§ 2751. Bonds; how conditioned

§ 2752. To respond for principal only; court may order income paid to parent

§ 2753. Additional bond

§ 2754. New bond

§ 2755. Limitation of action on bond

§ 2791. Inventory

§ 2792. Appraisal to be made; exception

§ 2793. Guardian to account for and dispose of personalty

§ 2794. Citation of person suspected of embezzling or secreting

§ 2795. Commitment for disobedience; examination

§ 2796. Citation; costs

§ 2797. Guardian to manage estate and maintain ward

§ 2798. Guardian may sell personalty and support ward

§ 2800. Disputed claim may be referred

§ 2801. Guardian may discharge mortgage; consent to sale of realty

§ 2802. Partition of estate of which ward has an undivided interest

§ 2803. Court may order personalty sold and proceeds invested in real estate

§ 2804. Court may order estate paid to guardian in other state

§ 2841. Limiting time for payment of debts

§ 2842. Realty to be taken when personalty exhausted

§ 2843. Claims, time for presenting limited; when barred

§ 2846. Court may order dividend

§ 2847. Allowance to guardian

§ 2848. After dividend, claims barred as to guardian; exception

§ 2849. Claims not barred

§ 2850. Ward not to be sued; action commenced before appointment may proceed

§ 2881. Real estate; when may be sold

§ 2882. Regulations under which license granted

§ 2883. Term of license

§ 2884. Deed, effect of

§ 2885. Guardian to report sale

§ 2886. License when guardian or ward resides out of state

§ 2887. Conveyance of land that ward was under contract to convey

§ 2888. License not to be granted to creditors’ injury

§ 2889. If guardian grantee, judge to convey; deed, effect of

§ 2890. Lands held in trust to be conveyed to beneficiary

§ 2891. When guardian dies or is removed pending sale, new license

§ 2921. Accounts, time

§ 2922. By guardian of nonresident ward

§ 2923. Property may be ordered into hands of nonresident guardian; proceedings

§ 2924. Same; exception

§ 2925. Guardian to swear to correctness of account

§ 2926. Surety may intervene as party; rights of surety

§ 2927. Remedy, after guardian’s discharge, reexamination of accounts

§ 2928. Death of ward

§ 2961. Previous acts confirmed and compensation allowed, on being lawfully appointed

§ 2962. Good faith

§ 2963. Conveyances valid

§ 2964. Bond

§ 3001. Removal; resignation; marriage of guardian; vacancies

§ 3002. Minor ward’s marriage; exception

§ 3003. Parent may move for guardian’s removal; notice

§ 3004. Court may revoke

§ 3005. Guardian refusing to give up ward, committed

§ 3011. Special fiduciary

§ 3060. Policy

§ 3061. Definitions

§ 3062. Jurisdiction; review of guardian’s actions

§ 3063. Petition for guardianship

§ 3064. Notice of petition and hearing

§ 3065. Counsel

§ 3066. Guardian ad litem

§ 3067. Evaluation and report; background check; release of evaluation

§ 3068. Hearing

§ 3068a. Rights of a person under guardianship

§ 3069. Powers of a guardian

§ 3071. Duties of guardian

§ 3072. Guardians; individuals who may serve

§ 3073. Change of residential placement

§ 3074. Commitment, sterilization, involuntary treatment, and involuntary medication

§ 3075. Consent for medical or dental treatment

§ 3076. Annual reports; final accounting; fees

§ 3077. Termination and modification of guardianship

§ 3078. Annual notice to person in need of guardianship

§ 3079. Validity of prior guardianship

§ 3080. Appeals

§ 3081. Emergency temporary guardian pending final hearing on petition

§ 3091. Office of Public Guardian established

§ 3092. Appointment of the Office of Public Guardian

§ 3093. Powers and duties of Public Guardian

§ 3094. Duty to seek private guardian

§ 3095. Statistics to be maintained

§ 3096. Office of Public Guardian to offer assistance

§ 3098. Vulnerable noncitizen children