Vermont Statutes
Chapter 85 - Value-Added Forestry and Forest Products
§ 2701. Policy

§ 2701. Policy
It is the policy of the State to encourage the sustainable management and use of its forests and woodlands; to preserve the natural beauty of the State’s forests and woodlands; to protect its wildlife; to preserve and protect the forest environment and health; and to promote, foster, and encourage the forestry and forest products industries of the State. To achieve these goals, the General Assembly declares it to be in the best interests of the State to promote opportunities and markets for value-added forest products. Fostering and enhancing the value-added forestry markets will help the State retain and expand the State’s forest products manufacturing sector, will retain manufacturing jobs within the State, and will protect the health and viability of the forest environment. (Added 2007, No. 207 (Adj. Sess.), § 8, eff. June 11, 2007.)