Vermont Statutes
Chapter 83 - New England Higher Education Compact
§ 2694. General administrative powers and duties of board—Article IV

§ 2694. General administrative powers and duties of board—Article IV
The board shall annually elect from its members a chairman and vice-chairman and shall appoint and at its pleasure remove or discharge said officers. It may appoint and employ an executive secretary and may employ such stenographic, clerical, technical or legal personnel as shall be necessary, and at its pleasure remove or discharge such personnel. It shall adopt a seal and suitable bylaws and shall promulgate any and all rules and regulations which may be necessary for the conduct of its business. It may maintain an office or offices within the territory of the compacting states and may meet at any time or place. Meetings shall be held at least once each year. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but no action of the board imposing any obligation on any compacting state shall be binding unless a majority of the members from such compacting state shall have voted in favor thereof. Where meetings are planned to discuss matters relevant to problems of education affecting only certain of the compacting states, the board may vote to authorize special meetings of the board members of such states. The board shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall make an annual report to the governor and the legislature of each compacting state, setting forth in detail the operations and transactions conducted by it pursuant to this compact, and shall make recommendations for any legislative action deemed by it advisable, including amendments to the statutes of the compacting states which may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this compact. The board shall not pledge the credit of any compacting state without the consent of the legislature thereof given pursuant to the constitutional processes of said state. The board may meet any of its obligations in whole or in part with funds available to it under Article VII of this compact; provided, that the board takes specific action setting aside such funds prior to the incurring of any obligation to be met in whole or in part in this manner. Except where the board makes use of funds available to it under Article VII hereof, the board shall not incur any obligations for salaries, office, administrative, traveling or other expenses prior to the allotment of funds by the compacting states adequate to meet the same. Each compacting state reserves the right to provide hereafter by law for the examination and audit of the accounts of the board. The board shall appoint a treasurer and assistant treasurer who may be empowered to perform any and all duties of the treasurer. Fiscal disbursements of the board shall be valid only when authorized by any two persons from among those authorized by the board to execute this authority, and when substantiated by vouchers signed and countersigned by any two persons from among those authorized by the board to execute this authority. The executive secretary shall be custodian of the records of the board with authority to attest to and certify such records or copies thereof. (Amended 1969, No. 55, § 2.)