§ 2604. Real estate deeds for mobile homes
(a) Any mobile home purchased from a mobile home dealer on or after July 1, 2008 that is financed as residential real estate pursuant to subsection 2603(b) of this title shall be conveyed by a warranty deed drafted in substantially the form provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(b) An owner of a mobile home shall, upon financing or refinancing a mobile home as residential real estate or selling a mobile home that has been financed as residential real estate, issue to the grantee either a warranty deed or a quitclaim deed that is drafted in substantially the form provided in subsection (c) or (d) of this section.
(c) A deed that is substantially in the form provided in this subsection shall, when duly executed and delivered, have the force and effect of a deed in fee simple to the grantee, the heirs, successors, and assigns, to their own use, with covenants on the part of the grantor, for the grantor, the grantor’s heirs, executors, and administrators that, at the time of the delivery of the deed, the grantor was lawfully seized in fee simple of the mobile home; that the mobile home was free from all encumbrances, except as stated; that the grantor had good right to sell and convey the same to the grantee, the grantee’s heirs, successors, and assigns; and that the grantor and the grantor’s heirs, executors, and administrators shall warrant and defend the same to the grantee and the grantee’s heirs, successors, and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. No owner of land on which a mobile home is sited shall unreasonably withhold the consent required by this statutory form.
Form for Mobile Home Warranty Deed
______ , of ______ , ______ County, State of ______ , (“Grantor”), for consideration paid, grants to ______ of Street, Town (City) of ______ , ______ County, State of ______ (“Grantee”), with warranty covenants, the ______ (description of mobile home being conveyed: name of manufacturer, model and serial number and encumbrances, exceptions, reservations, if any) which mobile home is situated, or is to be situated, at ______ (state name of park, if any, and street address), Town (City) of ______ , ______ County, State of Vermont.
The tract or parcel of land upon which the mobile home is situated, or is to be situated, is owned by ______ by deed dated and recorded at Book ____ , Page ____ in the land records of the Town (City) of ______ .
______ (wife)(husband) of said Grantor, releases to said Grantee all rights and other interests therein.
Signed this ______ day of ______ , ____ .
(Here add acknowledgment)
______ , owner of the tract or parcel of land upon which the aforesaid mobile home is situated, or is to be situated, hereby consents to the conveyance of the mobile home.
Signed this ______ day of ______ , ____ .
(Here add acknowledgment)
[ ] Check box if the mobile home has been relocated from one site to another within Vermont, and attach a Relocation Statement in the form provided in 9 V.S.A. § 2606.
(d) A deed that is substantially in the form provided in this subsection shall, when duly executed and delivered, have the force and effect of a deed in fee simple to the grantee, the heirs, successors, and assigns, to their own use. No owner of land on which the mobile home is sited shall unreasonably withhold consent required by this statutory form.
Form for Mobile Home Quitclaim Deed
______ , of ______ , ______ County, State of ______ (“Grantor”), for consideration paid, grants to ______ of ______ Street, Town (City) of ______ , ______ County, State of ______ (“Grantee”), with quitclaim covenants, the (description of mobile home being conveyed: name of manufacturer, model and serial number and encumbrances, exceptions, reservations, if any) which mobile home is situated, or is to be situated, at ______ (state name of park, if any, and street address), Town (City) of ______ County, State of Vermont.
The tract or parcel of land upon which the mobile home is situated, or is to be situated, is owned by ______ by deed dated ______ and recorded at Book _____ , Page _____ , in the land records of the Town (City) of ______ .
______ (wife)(husband) of said Grantor releases to said Grantee all rights and other interest therein.
Signed this ______ day of ______ , ____ .
(Here add acknowledgment)
______ , owner of the parcel of land upon which the aforesaid mobile home is situated, or is to be situated, hereby consents to the conveyance of the mobile home.
Signed this ______ day of ______ , ____ .
(Here add acknowledgment)
[ ] Check box if the mobile home has been relocated from one site to another within Vermont, and attach a relocation statement in the form provided in 9 V.S.A. § 2606. (Added 1975, No. 215 (Adj. Sess.), § 3, eff. April 1, 1976; amended 2003, No. 104 (Adj. Sess.), § 7; 2007, No. 176 (Adj. Sess.), § 40.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 2602. Sale or transfer; price disclosure; mobile home uniform bill of sale
§ 2603. Financing of mobile homes; creditors’ remedies; retail installment contract disclosure
§ 2604. Real estate deeds for mobile homes
§ 2605. Mobile home bill of sale conversion process
§ 2606. Relocating mobile homes to another municipality or state